promos results are going to come out tmr. i think the only subjects i will pass MIGHT be gp and econs, and MAYBE math.
expulsion expulsion spaghetti spaghetti
i know it's my fault i didn't study during MYE, but i really mugged during promos, just that i did everything wrong during the exams because my mind was in a blank.
gd luck
hey missqi, i ask u ah. did J1 promo maths paper leak out or something like that?
oh it was h2. i do h1 XD
Originally posted by missqi:
oh it was h2. i do h1 XD
oh, fill me in on the details leiz. i heard from my fellow J2 frens say that they postpone the paper or something like that. what exactly happened ah?
hmm... i can only say " hope for the best and prepare for the worst "