You not their teacher so you no need care. Care for others dat warrant your concern can liao.Originally posted by MooKu:Ahh yes... ahh why do I even care anymore.
haha..Originally posted by Bontakun:xi ji er qi...? wats dat...?
I dun gan dong. But I not like my mum who hated him.
I keep asking y, she said juz dun like him, den I said wah... you missed out on many moobees of his wor... not to mention da Lu(4) Ding(3) Ji(4) along wif Tony Leung Chiau Wai.
just shout "Kyaaaa!!! Ni3 Ta1 Ma1 De4 Wu1 Gui1 Wang2 Ba1 Dan4!!!"Originally posted by Bontakun:Ok, lets sae some frens wanna go see some concert, but not yr type of concert... They die die still wanna drag you along and you heart soft agree lah.
Den go there liao you sian 1/2 coz not smth you can appreciate, BUT yr frens screaming like mad, "Kyyyyaaaa~~~~~~ ********* I love you~~~~~~!!!"
Den you see all da ppl screaming da performer's name... Den you seem to be da odd one out.
Do you wanna try to scream along with them?
Screaming this, "Kyyyaaa~~~~ Ta(1) Men(2) Fa(1) Shen(2) Jing(1) Liao(3) La(4)~~~!!!" - They gone crazy
"Wo(2) Ye(3) Gen(1) Ta(1) Men(2) Yi(4) Qi(3) Fa(1)Shen(2) Jing(1) Ba(4)~~~!!!" I go crazy with them
"Bu(4) Ran(2) Ta(1) Men(2) Kan(4) Wo(3) Mei(2) Fan(3) Ying(4) Shuo(3) Shen(2) Jing(1) Bing(4) La(4)~~~!!!" Or else they see me no reaction sae I crazy