I always been a big fan of Fontopia in-ear earbuds over open air earphones, in fact, I got one of their early model that costs around $70 more than 5 years ago when I was in Secondary 4.
But the disappointment comes, there has been little improvement ever since - and the same goes with other earphones of similar make. Main improvement is bass and treble, they are both noticable now and goes fairly alright with the music.
This model is around 4 year old, they are still selling at that high price and the quality still remains the same, and the amazing thing is that it is still one of the better model (for this price range) on the market! If we are not comparing anything that goes beyond $100.
Before this, I was using one of the supplied Sony Ericsson earphones that came with W800i. Compared to that, the treble is noticable but the bass is no better, but not for worse.
It does not impress me at all. and its not its fault. There is little improvement in this market where people are more concerned with other gadgets like mp3 players rather than the earphones. Who cares about the tiny little thing?
The design, I really like it. The cord is too long though but what the hell. The silverplate behind each earbud looks great! There is a white version available but I know it will turn yellowish in no time.
Good points to take note:
1. Not bad balance between bass and treble.
2. Stylish design, simple yet something you can show-off.
3. Simple chain-design, I had those with a rubber piece behind your neck. This is more of a personal preference.
Bad points I'd like to say:
1. Bass is a lil weak..
2. Too expensive, not much improvement over cheaper models, and having so much competition on the market now.
3. Cord is way too long, I think it can reach my foot.
4. Earbud size is somehow not very fitting despite having three sizes. The smallest is abit too small and the medium is abit too large.
I feel that the sizes and dimension seem to be designed for the european/american market.
Get it only if you have extra dough in your wallet, else, stick with the $40 model. Its really not bad, really. But it just doesn't blow me off.
Key features- Soft sillicon Earbuds for ultra comfortable fit
- Closed Inner Ear Type
- Ultra-Small 9mm Driver Unit
- 3 sizes of earbuds supplied to fit a a full range of ear sizes
- 400KJ/m3 High Powered Neodymium Magnet for Clean sounds and Resonant Bass
- 1.0m extension cord supplied
- Rubber Brushing
- OFC Neck Chain
- Earpiece Holder Supplied