wth...is this happening?
"Of the 13 rape cases in 2005, 11 victims - 84 per cent - were 11- to 18-year-olds, said a police spokesman. And nine of the 14 molest victims - 64 per cent - who had first met their attackers online, were between the ages of 12 and 19."
# Do not put in information about yourself that makes you easily identifiable, for example, your real name, age, home address and school. Use a nickname instead of your real name. Friends will still know who you are, but strangers will not be able to figure it out as easily.
# If you have to post your picture online, make sure you are not wearing your uniform. Also, avoid posting pictures of yourself taken outside your home, with house or flat numbers in the background. Do not post pictures of you at your favourite hangouts - this reduces any chance of stalking.
# If you blog or leave messages on publicly accessible sites, do not reveal where you will be and what you will be doing, or put in information like class schedules.
# Do not post personal information about your friends online, and make sure to tell them not to post any information about you either.
--- DL