For those who are interested, click on the URL below.
[email protected]100% Guarantee
Just like all our other services, this seminar comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you do not feel the information you get at this seminar was worth your time and money, quietly tell one of the staff after the seminar and we will refund you your purchase price + $10 cash for your travel expenses.
Seminar Information
Date: 27 Oct 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 3pm-5pm
Location: Genesis Health And Performance Private Training Studio (Mohamed Sultan/River Valley Area)
Price: The value of program design + training sessions + supervision is hundreds of dollars. But the price for this seminar will be only 30 SGD
Payment Collection: Payment will be collected on the day of the seminar itself.
I am taking a risk by not collecting payment via bank transfer/internet payment beforehand. I trust you that if you sign up, you will also attend. Or else it would mean that another person would have missed out on a chance to attend.
Sign Up Instructions(Can be found in the URL): Fill in the online form below. Be sure to include your email, phone number and name. Invalid on incomplete forms will not be accepted. Strictly no walk-ins allowed.
Attire: Come in comfortable clothes ready to do some activity!
Class Size: We have very limited space and limited number of coaches. To maximize the benefit of people who sign up, we need to limit the size of the group to 30 people maximum.
As of 11 October, there are only 15 places remaining.