some guys recommend taking somethin like protein shake right befroe workout, while others just eat a proper meal 1 hr before workout. which is correct, and what are the best foods to eat before a workout, ive heard eating hi carb and protein, low fat meal is best.
also, how important do u guys consider a post workout protein shake? i heard it may speed up recovery time, promote extra strength/muscle gain and fat loss. atm i just take 1 banana, some milk (yes i know dairy is bad for cutting, but isnt the sugars good for PWO?) and some sweet pastry, a proper meal follows approx 15 - 45 min later.
anything wrong with my methods?
Protein shake + some glucose and a banana or something.
I sort of read somewhere before that chocolate milk is also not bad. That research states that it contains a good concentration of both protein and carbs for a post workout drink too
I believe they used regular milk. Chocolate milk contains more sugars.