Originally posted by Marco_Simone:
fu-ck u all,his body is better than 99% of you...

You people are just jealous of him and just conveniently attacking his antics on the commercial.
Thank you same to you.. you expect people to praise him ? He cannot take criticism, then why go on mocca.. he know right away what he is in for, what is your take then ? Have you not done the same to some other people or people you don't like ?
He want to beautify his body and indeed he had put in alot of hard work on it.. many agrees he got nice body.. so did you thank those comments ? don't double standard la ... I had gone to the gym when I was younger... I tired but I was too lazy and of course gives up.. now the only muscle I have is at my pot belly - one hugh round muscle, imagine if I go on line and do the same as what he did ... boy, I will be asking to be shot like a sitting duck ... will you give me some sympathy or you jump on the bandwagon to shoot me too ????