Q) That seems like a lot! How can I finish it in time?
A) Good question. Time spent at the gym is one important factor you should consider because the longer you workout, the more you're breaking down your muscles. You see, when you start exerting your muscles and stressing them with physical work, you induce some hormone release in your body. These include anabolic(muscle building) and catabolic(muscle breaking) ones. Initially the anabolic ones are higher, but if you stress your body long enough the catabolic ones will win. Afterall, you can't expect to train 12 hours intensively and not lose muscle. How long is long enough? The limit is about 45-50mins, so keep your workouts within that time. Note that this duration is from your first work set to the last work set, including any HIIT you have at the end. This doesn't include any warmup or stretching, since you're not exerting yourself that hard.
Now, in order to finish all that 8 lifts within 45min, you're gonna have to move around fast! This means short rest intervals. This is in line with fat loss because the shorter you rest, the more metabolic demands you place on your body, since you're not giving your body sufficient time to recover completely before your next set. For fat loss, keep rest intervals between sets to about 30-60s
Now, assuming you take 30s to complete the set and 30s to rest before the next set. That's about 1 minute in total for each set. You have 24 sets to do, so that only takes 24mins. Doesn't seem that long now does it? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
So all in all, the training parameters are as follows, assuming you tain 3x a week:
Sets: 2-3 work sets, 1 warmup set
Reps: 10-12 on Monday, 7-9 on Wednesday, 4-7 on Friday
Load: 12-14RM on Monday, 9-11RM on Wednesday, 6-8RM on Friday
Rest interval: 30s
Q) Why and how does this work?
A) This works because of several reasons. In case you want to know...
- Compound movements cause the most stress to your body because many joints and muscle groups are involved, and heavier weights are carried. They are metabolically and neurally more intensive, hence burns more calories and induces more EPOC and hormonal response, all of which are conducive for fat loss and muscle building.
- Alternating sets allow one part of your body to rest while another part works. It also increases the work density while not compromising too much the actual rest a muscle group has. For example if you look at A1/A2. While rest intervals between the deadlift and bench press is only 30s, if you think about it, rest intervals between each deadlift is actually twice that or more, and because the deadlift uses different muscle groups from the bench press, they are more or less independent, so you get more rest while still doing work. That's multitasking at the gym!
- Low number of sets allow more exercises to do be done. We have 8 to get through in 1 workout, so you can only afford to spend 3-4 sets in total for each exercise. This balances out the various movement and muscle groups so you don't have any imbalances.
- Moderately high reps takes some duration of time to complete them while still allowing you to use heavy enough weights. When done fast, they are also lactate inducing(this is what causes the "burn" in your muscles right after you complete the set). This again causes a hormonal response, as well as triggers your body to get rid of the lactate from your muscles. This is metabolically expensive and hence more calories are burnt
- Heavy loads are more intensive than 1kg pink dumbbells. Loads that challenge your body to lift them cause several responses from your body that include fat loss and lean muscle growth. Light weights have no chance of eliciting these responses because they are too easy.
- Short rest intervals makes perceived intensity higher, because you're not giving your body enough time to rest. In 30s your body cannot remove the lactate, or lower your pulse rate, or lower your body temperature, etc, however you would have enough rest to be able to perform the next set
Q) I've been doing this for a 2 weeks and the workout now seems easier. I'm not so out of breath anymore, and the weights don't seem that heavy
A) That's good news! It's because your body has adapted to the program and is now fitter and stronger. However, that's bad news for fat loss and muscle growth, because you're no longer presenting your body with as much stress as when you first started...so how do you fix this? Easy, by increasing the resistance! Ideally for beginners, every workout you should aim to add some weight. For example if you start out with a 20kg barbell squat(20kg is the weight of the empty long barbell), the next workout, put a pair of 1.25kg or 2.5kg on it(1 on each side), and so on...you will need to constantly evaluate your new 10-14RM by listening to your body.
Q) What about abs or "core" exercises? I don't see any listed there?
A) Good question. Core exercises are a different class altogether, but most people train them wrongly. Without going into too much detail, avoid traditional crunches and situps because they don't train the core the way it should be trained. The core should first be trained to prevent motion, not to create it. Exercises that train this include side planks/bridges and the ab-wheel. Do these after you warmup, but before the strength training. 5-10min of this should be sufficient. Core work doesn't fall within the 45min window since it's not very intensive.
Q) Speaking of warmup, how should I do this? Should I run on the treadmill for 5min before doing some stretching?
A) It may seem weird, but a warmup need not consist of actually warming your body up. It certainly need not include any kind of cardio beforehand. It doesn't hurt too much if you're only cycling for 5min, except for the fact that 5min is wasted. So what should you do? Several things:
- self massage or "self myofascial release"(SMFR): this releases the "knots" in your muscle fibers and increases your muscle tissue quality. Picture your muscle fibers as a big rubber band with several knots. If you just stretch it, the knots are still there, and will even get tighter. Now if you release those knots, you're able to stretch the rubber band more. SMFR can be performed with a tennis ball, golf ball, or ideally a foam roller. Basically you roll these around various muscles while putting your bodyweight on it, and then when you find a "tender spot" which illicits pain, stay in that position for about half a minute, and the pain will subside. It can be pretty painful the first time you do it, but you'll be amazed at how this can give relief to some nagging aches all around your body!
- static stretching: Now that the knots are released, you're ready to stretch! Stretch only what is tight/inflexible. Girls are usually more flexible than guys so it shouldn't be that time consuming. A few stretches include hamstring, glutes, hip flexors and quads for the lower body, and pecs and lats for the upper body. Do a google search for how to stretch these parts.
- muscle activation: this "activates" your muscles so that they're not sleeping. Believe it or not, many of us have muscles that are sleeping, or deactivated. Due to modern lifestyle and a 9-5 deskbound jobs, we have lost the ability to recruit those muscles. Hence when we perform certain lifts that are usually performed by those muscles, other muscles come in and try to lift it instead. This causes faulty movement patterns and can lead to over-stressing of the wrong muscles, which can ultimately lead to injury. This is one of the reasons why you hear of people getting back injuries from just bending down and picking up a pencil.
The glutes are a muscle group that are usually dormant and deactivated. A good way to activate it is to do a "clamshell", where you lay on your side, wrap a resistance band/tubing around your knees, and open/close your legs like a clamshell. If you're doing it right, you should feel it on your butt. Another good one is the side-step, where you hold a resistance band/tubing with your hands, step on it with both legs, then step to the side several times 1 direction, and several times back. The band/tubing provides some form of resistance.
- specific movement preparation: this prepares your body for the actual lifting/movement that it's about to perform. This is what the warmup set with a lighter weight does.
After you do all this, your body temperature will probably be raised already, so like I said earlier, there's no point in doing any actual "warming up" to warm your body up.
That's all I can think of now...hope this helps!