I gonna list out EXACTLY what you need to do.
Routine A
Squats(2 mins break in between sets)
1 warmup set with just the bar-10 reps
1 warmup set with HALF of the load for your work sets-10 reps
3 work sets with a weight you can do for 6-7 reps,but here you only do 5 reps
2 back off sets with a weight you can do for 10 reps to failure(this should be around 75-80% of the weight you use for your work sets)
Incline presses-same training variables as squats
Bent over rows-same training variables also.
Routine B
Deadlifts-same training variables as above but skip the two back off sets(Why? I personally feel that DLs shouldnt be done for high reps coz your form will suffer towards the end of the set and lower back don't play play lor)
Military presses-same training variables as above
Pullups-Now,I know you can do 5 reps,so I want you to do 6 sets of 3 reps.After that, do 2 sets of pulldown using a weight which enables you to reach failure at 10 reps.
Why the back off sets? Well,according to renowned S&C coach Chad Waterbury,your rep/set volume is very important.Basically that means the total number of reps.He recommends doing a total of 36-50 reps if you are aiming for hypertrophy(afterall,you want to gain some solid mass right?)
Hit the lower end of the range and you will have some decent strength gains thrown.You realize that you are doing at least 35 reps for each exercise?
Dont ever believe the crap about high reps are those wimps who just want the pump.I hate the all or nothing approach.I believe in doing BOTH low and high reps if you want BOTH STRENGTH and SIZE.
For variety,you can do other forms of the same exercise. For instance,you can do front squats,barbell hack squats,split squats to substitute good ol' barbell back squats.
More examples:
chest press:incline press with BB,DB, dips(weighted or BW)
row:seated cable row, 1 arm DB row, chest supported row with DBs, T-bar row
military press: DB press(standing or seated), push press with BB or DB, cable side laterals(usually skinny guys have narrow shoulders,so you can do 2-3 sets of these after your heavy presses)
Pull up: overhand, underhand, hammer grips, wide grip,super narrow(hands touching each other)
Deadlift: Romanian deadlift, parallel grip DB deadlift
See,you can have so many different variations of each movement?
Before you train,have a protein shake.
After your routine,straight away eat a banana or two (to spike the insulin).Cool down,change,wash up etc.Around 20-30 mins later,have your protein shake,2 scoops would be optimal.(I highly recommend you take whey protein,you can definitely afford it)
Around 1 hour later,have a proper meal(throw in lots of meat,veggie and complex carbs such as wholemeal bread,brown rice or oatmeal)
Just before you sleep,have a casein+whey shake.(I myself take 1 scoop of ON Whey+1 scoop of ON Casein)If you can't afford it,take a 5-6 slices of cheese or drink half a litre of HL milk.That will give you around 20g of protein.The HL milk has plenty of carbs,for skinny guys,taking carbs before sleep is a good way to gain weight
The next morning the first thing you do when you wake up is to drink another protein shake.Wait a while,you can wash up,read the papers then consume your proper breakfast(I consume oatmeal,a fruit such as kiwi,pear,apple+2 eggs)
The rest of the meals you know la...take a lot of meat,veggie and complex carbs.
I don't count calories or protein or carbs...Afterall,I am just a recreational trainer but I take my training seriously...Life is so short,why make it so complex? But I am sure I take at least 30g of protein per meal.
It is not necessary but it will help if you can at least afford a tub of whey every month.
Currently,my stack is ON whey,ON casein and EAS creatine monohydrate.
Never stand when you can sit.Never sit if you can lie down. Never run when you can stroll.If possible I suggest you take a long nap on weekend afternoons.(That's what I do nowadays,
I do my other things in the morning and night) Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep per day.
Before your nap and sleep,listen to some slow soothing music to relax your mind.I highly recommend Kevin Kern's piano pieces.
That's all for now.
I have been training for the past 1.5 years following the advice I have just posted myself (including layoffs such as sickness and injuries) and people can tell I am weight trained even when I'm in office attire.How's that? People have asked me whether I have competed before...some others ask if I am a dragonboater or a rugby player. I am none of all these.
I am sure one day,if you follow the advice here,people will know you are weight trained too.
Good luck!
Next time,I will talk about progression and the mental aspects of training.I got to rush for my lunch now!
PS:Have I missed anything out,the pros in the forum?
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