Out of room on this site now with the amount of information I will be posting
www.scientificfatloss.orgThe three key points for fat loss (in order of importance) are as follows.
1. Endocrine system optimization
2. Nutrition
3. Training
Lest start with the last one on the list. No. 3.
3. Training
There is much confusion about the best training methods for fat loss.
Let it be said once and for all - steady paced (fat burning zone) aerobic training does not work. This is a fact, and if you have spent as much time researching this as I have you would know this.
Researchers at George Washington University looked closely at how well diet, aerobic exercise, and dieting combined with aerobics work to help you lose weight.
These researchers analyzed 25 years worth of study results to see what is most effective for weight loss. I bet you'll be surprised at what they found.
People using diet alone to lose weight lost an average of 10.7 pounds. People using both together lost an average of 11 pounds.1 That's right-adding aerobic exercise to a weight loss diet makes hardly any difference at all. It's no wonder aerobics leave you feeling disappointed and frustrated. It's just a poor weight loss tool.
oh, but it gets worse. In actual fact the steady paced aerobics may actually be bad for you. I can see the shock in your faces.... (more on this latter)
So what is the best way to train to optimize fat loss?
1. Specific Strength Training
2. Metabolic Training
Specific Strength Training.
Strength training is performed for several reasons - I will list just a few here.
1. Hormonal responce
2. Muscular adaption
3. Metabolic disturbance (including EPOC effect)
I will post information on how to optimize each over the next few weeks.
Here is a sample strength training program to optimize fat loss.
A1. Front Squats
A2. Bent Over DB Rows
B1. Romanian Deadlifts
B2. Incline Bench Press
C1. Static Lunges
C2. Chins (Band Assisted)
D1. Slide Board Leg Curl or Reverse Leg Curl
D2. Standing Press
Sets: 2
Reps: 9
Tempo: 3-1-1-0 (41sec TUT)
Rest: 20sec between alternating sets (eg A1 rest 20 sec A2 rest 20sec, repeat)
Sets: 2
Reps: 6
Tempo: 2-1-1-0 (24sec TUT)
Rest: 40sec between alternating sets
Sets: 2
Reps: 3
Tempo: 2-0-1-0 (9sec TUT)
Rest: 60sec between alternating sets
This is for the novice strength trainer who has completed corrective phase of training.
(c) Optimum Performance Pte Ltd 2007