I noticed how overrated supplements are getting these days.People are impulsively splurging on supplements like it is some miracle god-sent item.They think of protein powder as a brew by a witches crew.A black magic concotion or a spell.Steroids are viewed like "Jack and the giant beanstalk".In the story book, the beanstalk protrudes the clouds the following day.
People think that any tom, dick nd harry can eat steroids but remain sedentary and eat whatever garbage sold outside and grow big.and when they sleep, the pectoral and lats muscles suddenly comes out and they shout ARGH ARGH ARGH halfway
Then looking at their workouts.They rest and chit chat like zha bor for 5 mins between sets doing curls and pushdowns.No wonder..
Its easy to gulp down a protein shake and a few pills of overhyped sh!t.But its harder to workout more intensively in the gym and choose the most difficult exercises.