Here is a routine for beginners.It is a 2 day/week full body,low rep predominant,low volume program.
Day 1
4 straight sets of 6(straight set means you use the same weight throughout,use a weight that you can do 7-8 reps with,but you only perform 5 reps for all 4 sets)
1 back off set of 12 (go to failure on this one)
Bent over row(same training parameters as above)
Incline press(same training parameters as above)
Jump set your rows and your inclines.In other words,perform a set of row then do your incline.Keep alternating until you have done all 10 sets.
Day 2
Military press-4x5,1x10
Pull up/Pull down-4x5,1x10
Jumpset your pull ups and presses also.
This routine should take 35-45 mins to complete.Who say you have to spend 3 hours in the gym to achieve a great bod???
Stay with this routine for at least 4 weeks.
Good luck!
Well, with some core work and warmup/activation/stretching/warmdown work, it could easily add 30-45min to the workout.