Can someone tell me what should i do if i want to slim down and have more muscles? My height is around 165cm and my weight is 80Kg...
Simon Dean
on diet
avoid processed food
opt for steamed/grilled/stir-fry(in this order)
no fckin rubbish food like cury puff
screw aerated water or sugared drinks
eat in moderation for a start hehe start jogging a little too strictly avoid supper ok? haha all the best
Originally posted by Simon Dean:
on diet
avoid processed food
whole meal bread can?
got super powerful way to slim down, maybe even 5 kg in 10 days.
totally eliminate any high carbo foods like bread, rice, etc.
eliminate processed food, sugar, milk.
6 meals a day, only chicken and fish allowed, steamed.
water, and a fruit a day.
weight lifting 4 times a week, interval training cardio 20min immediately after weight lifting
you'll feel very hungry for the first 3-4 days, but after that, the fats start falling off like pancakes.
my friend swears by this routine. he does it everytime after christmas and after chinese new year.
*Disclaimer. Rate of fat loss varies between different people. Individuals have to be responsible of their own health. The author takes no responsibility of the information provided. The statements had not been verified by FDA, HSA, HPB, PAP, AHO, etc.