Feeling quite disappointed. I know a good body involves a good diet and adequate rest. Been taking whey protein for 2mths. Train 3 times a wk if possible. However, my weight dropped 1kg. Vv sian. When im not training, im really sedentary. I still dun understand why i can lose weight. Due to my high metabolism, if i dun train, i've not much appetite. Even if i do and dont train, i cant be like others who would put on weight. I would lose weight. Sigh. Sometimes, i should just take milk and whole foods. Protein works but the moment you're off it, you seem to lose mass. sigh...
Simon Dean
what exercises did you do, followed by the rest/sets/reps.
how much cardio?
Give us an entire layout of your diet as well?
Btw what do you mean by lay off protein?As in lay off protein powder or lay off protein entirely.Laying off protein powder doesnt really have any effects to me, protein is protein.Just that whey is a faster absorbing and easier/portable way to fill up maybe that 50g more of protein.
My body type cant gain weight de.. try so long le i give up. Happy can le..
if its nt ur training method, den u are not taking enuff protein
em hardgainer can gain weight too with proper training methods and right diet
So wad is ur training scheme?
if u tell me u go gym and do light weights and running treadmile and cycle of course u wun gain weight
Simon Dean
i tell you frankly that most people are hard gainers because they dont focus on the basic compound exercises.And do weird isolations and 95% machine work except for curls.
all you really need are
pullups dips squats deadlift
I dont really believe in all these type of excuses like hardgainer or whatever crap.If i can cut from 120kg long ago to present 88kg....then???