I dont have a big sprawling backyard where I can do sled dragging...where do I get tyres from big 18 wheelers so that I can do tire flipping? Even if I get hold of one of these babies,people will think i am a nutcase if I do it in the park...
Any suggestions for other GPP movements,guys???
contact me if you want a tire (free) - but remember they are 250kg so not easy to take to the park.
Why you want to do "GPP" training - what are you training for?
Simon Dean
marco_simone i suggest you try the 130kg-160kg tyres
dont get intimidated by the weight
the 130kg tyre i flipped at the contest, at the most felt like a 60kg deadlift.
Originally posted by OPT:
Why you want to do "GPP" training - what are you training for?