Those who are envious of my arm size and want to work hard for it can follow the following program.This routine is purely upper body based(given up on asking people to squat and deadlift...sighzzz...) You will work your arms/upper body 3 times per week with a day rest in between workouts.
Day 1
underhand grip bent over rows
4 sets of 5 reps(4x5) not to failure(pick a weight you can do for 7-8 reps)
2 x 10(pick a lighter weight that allows you to reach failure on the 10th rep)
close grip incline bench presses
-same training parameters as the rows
Day 2(same training parameters)
military presses
close grip chin ups
Day 3(Same as day 1)
Good luck!
how about static holds?, dunno leh i still deadlift is a must.
Especially during heavy military presses.