Ronnie Coleman of the notorious 800lb squat and 800lb deadlift fame once said: "Everyone wants to be a bodybuilder but nobody wants to train hard and heavy."
How true is that from what I see around. Everyone wants to have big arms but most of them are doing 5kg concentration curls for a high volume.Sure they get a nice pump,but what else? So they go to the gym in their singlets everyday and do 5kg concentration curls. At the end of the workout,they have a decent pump,but when by the time they go to the town area to strut their arms in their singlets(to show off to gals),the pump is gone! They are puzzled why this happens and go to the gym,day in day out using the same routine.No wonder their arms are the size as of 3 years ago.
A significant number of them know that heavy upper body compound work is what really build big arms.They know heavy rows and presses are better in building mass but they shrug the fact aside because they are too damm lazy...A 5kg concentration curl sure is less demanding than a 100kg barbell row.
This mentality is not only prevalent in the iron game,but in other aspects of life especially in adolescents of today.Everyone wants results,but very few wants to work hard to achieve it...