Originally posted by borntolive:
ya there is 5bx n pull up regime but all this are not constant.. For e.g after ippt test, all these are stopped.
I feel that muscle mass cant be build in army cause there is little emphasis on strength training but alot of emphasis on cardio training. Alot of route marches, runs, jogs
well then,i can't agree with that from my personal experience.I bulk up quite a bit during my full army term,gained about 8 kg from bmt to ORD (that is from just eating normally at cookhouse,did not take any supplements.Now the food is way way better,so you should have it better than me.
It is likely only during BMT that more emphasis is on cardio.During the rest of my army stint,i remembered that runs of long distance basis (over 7 km are like only at best 2 times per month,mostly just once per month for events like CO run.
And anyway most of the runs are at most middle distance only,consisting of mostly 2.4 km - 5 km,such runs still does not eat much into the muscle cos around this distance,body glycogen level is still enough to be used as body fuel,thus protein usage is like at most 5%.Also after your bmt,SOC will only be conducted once per year,maybe 1 month+.So apart from these,there are not much heavy intensity cardio.
As for strenght training,that may have to depend on your future vocation too,i was a GPGM gunner,this gun weight 14 to 16 kg,so i had pretty much constant weight training even during outfield exercises.But if you think yours will not be enough,you can find your free time to add them in since you will have much more free time after bmt,eg go do dips and pull up yourself.The only thing maybe is that if you get into a vocation that does not require you to carry to many heavy equipments around,your leg training which is an important part may not be that good since i do not know of any good body weight compound exercise you can do easily incamp,maybe when you find you have more time for adequate rest,you can then pick up training in the gym doing squats and deadlift mainly on Sat/Sun since upper body compound exercises can be more easily found during your normal army training.