Why can't newbies just get it?
At the beginning stage of weight training(and I define this as less than 2 years of consistent and heavy training),to become bigger,you MUST become stronger...
So why do the pushdowns and machine overhead extensions when you have 12 inch arms?
Why are you doing leg extensions why you can't even handle 1 full range of motion rep on a 1 plate barbell squat? Sure the burn on high rep leg extensions feels like you're working hard...but what else???
What's the cause of all this? Is this because of too much reading of "Men's Fitness" and other metrosexual health mags???
The other day,I saw this NS boy doing shrugs.It was obvious he wanted bigger traps.I recommended the rack pull to him.I even demonstrated to him how to do it properly.He said the movement is too shiong to do.I can only *shrug*...
That is the fu-cking reason why you do a million sets of Nautilus curls and your arms can't even grow 3mm. Most trainers today want to be big but they are TOO DAMM LAZY to do the things that are needed for it to happen.
Heavy,low to medium heavy training with compound movements are the way to go.
You want big arms? Ditch the machine curls and pushdowns! Start doing pullups and dips,please no lat pulldowns and Smith machine bench presses...
You may weigh 80kg and do 8 reps of 90kg on the lat pull down does not mean you can do 8 reps of bodyweight pull ups! Try it if you don't believe me...