Originally posted by pierre^^:
1) Lat Pull Down / Cable Front Pulldown (forehand-wide grip) (70Kg)
4 sets of 15 reps
2) Assisted Pull Up Machine/Assisted Close Grip Chin-up (forehand - close grip) (60 KG)
4 sets of 12 reps
3) Overhead tripceps extention http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/LVTricepsExtensionOH.html
6 sets of 12 reps (40Kg weight)
4) Incline Chest Press /Or shoulder press(50Kg) <-- i dunno e diff, they look e same to me.
4 Sets of 12 reps
if i manage to finished all this, by then i will be too exhausted to cont ani further.
today i jus bought protein (whey) from GNC. One freaking bottle cost me 75 dollars (Faintz) but at least the scoop they use is smaller haha
Wonder the experts out there can advice me my these training scheme gd anot, i jus wan to have bigger arms. or they look like sticks.
Be e way sometimes i also work with free weights on my non-training days. for twice a week
1) Biceps Curl (10KG)
4 Sets 15 reps
2) Pushup (shoulder length)
4 sets of 15 reps
I oni have one dumbell.
and lastly, should i drink protein power everyday or oni on gym training days, then in non-gym training days i will drink e weight gainer? And do u guys follow the recommend portion as in 3 servings a day ar?
My BMI is oni 18.7 so i m currently underweight.
Very obvious why u r not gaining weight at all...
I can only shake my head...