This thread is to relieve those paranoid feelings of a gym newbie who is afraid of getting "too big".
1)Big bodybuilders you see are usually professional status.
2)They have trained for more than a decade(most of them)
3)Many used steroids and other aids to achieve that size, i am not denying that not using steroids wont get you big.Just that not as big as those who juice.
4)Unless you are willing to eat 200-300g of protein a day, 400g+ of carbs a day.
5)Train as much as 3- 4 times a week and do cardio(swim, run, jog etc) 2 hours or more a day.
6)Can afford to really sleep a lot
7)Willing to spend a lot of money on food or basic supplements(creatine, whey protein, health oils etc etc)
8 )have damn good genes**
9)You cant become Ronnie coleman or Dennis james overnight.
The most important are points 5) and 7).Most people dont even fulfill those criterias in the first place and talk about being afraid to get big
**even with good genes, point 4) still needs to be fulfilled.