Do you train to utter failure? (if you train to utter failure, please specify whether you train EVERYTHING to utter failure and wake up feeling like sh!t the day after or only a few parts)
Do you go jogging on alternate days?
Do you rest once a week? (eg sunday)
From my experience, I use to train biceps only. I trained it everyday and after 1 week I begin to feel some improvement. I train it when I was watching tv. When I was waiting for my game to load. When I had nothing to do.
I was training with 4 kg then. No other weights I had. Each day I seem to grow "weaker" but after 1 week, the 4 kg felt like nothing.
So was that a good training method?
What happens if I apply that to whole body or almost whole body.
I know I'll probably wake up feeling like sh!t everyday but I do think that is the way to go.
Simon Dean
to be frank that was a fu.ckin horrible training methodlogy.Biceps are such a small part of your body.
You are better off doing free bodyweight squats infront of the tv instead or you can buy 2 5kg dumbbells and do overhead squats>Lift the dumbbell overhead and squat with it for reps.Make sure it remains overhead until you want to stop doing..Trains your shoulder and legs.
Some people do cardio everyday some do it on days which they do not lift.
OMg and lastly why do people who buy dumbbells do only stupid bicep curls.
and which idiot said you can train biceps everyday?
Simon Dean
I tell you honestly now lar.
People who only do isolations like lateral raises and curl variants WILL NEVER GROW.Trust me, i see some of this people in my gym using the same weight month after month after month.and they still remained small.
Deadlift and squat is the key to grow.and if some chest and arms man(Charms)tells you deadlift or squat is dangerous.Tell him to off and go train his beach muscle body.
Simon Dean
i was not agitated.I just dont want you to waste your effort.
How do you know I dont do squats/deadlifts?
Simon Dean
Originally posted by chrisbenoit:
How do you know I dont do squats/deadlifts?
yea but arms everyday?You only mentioned your arms program and i said it was horrible.No information was given about any other bodypart workout.