6 week program for "zero fighters"
Let's say you are so weak that you can't even do a single chin up.Don't worry.But you can do flexed arm hang right? Remember this was an item during your primary school NAFA test? In more chim terms,the flexed arm hang is called a static hold.
So everyday,learn to do 5 sets of static holds 3 times daily.Hang there until your arms give way.Best if you have a bar at home,if not go to the fitness corner at your neighbourhood.By 2-3 weeks,you SHOULD be able to do 1 single chin up.
Once you can break that zero barrier,you are well on your way.Now,the program is such you do sets of 1 rep again for 3 times daily. Each time,you will do 8 sets of a single rep with 1-2 min break in between.So that's 24 chinups in a single day.
If you work hard enough,you SHOULD be able to progress from 1 rep to 3-4 rep within ONE week.When you can do 4 reps,continue with the 3x daily program,but do not do 8 sets of 4 reps,instead do 8 sets of 2.Remember when training for strength,always stop short of failure.
When your reps have gone up,it's time to cut down on volume,so you will do less sets.Hence when you can do 8 chins,you should do 4 sets of 6 reps and so on.
To make things clearer,
Week 1-2
Static holds daily-5 sets for 3 times
Week 3
8 sets of 1 rep for 3 times daily
Week 4
8 sets of 2 reps for 3 times daily
Week 5
6 sets of 4 reps for 3 times daily
Week 6(by this time,I assume you're knocking out 8 reps)
4 sets of 6 reps for 3 times daily.
You might be tempted to take the easy way out and do lat pull downs or machine chins.Well,if you are a wimp,go ahead.My philosophy is always strive to make the movement harder,not easier-hence I do shoulder presses standing rather than seated.
I tell you,if you weigh 70kg and can do 6 reps of 70kg on the pull down machine DOESNT mean you can do 6 bodyweight chin ups.It's a fact.I experienced that before.The way to train chin ups is to do the movement itself,not do a wimpy machine movement as a substitute.Bodyweight exercises will always be harder than machines,indeed they are a totally different ball game together.
Good luck with the program!