1.Train for STRENGTH first and foremost,the size will come eventually.
2. 100% of your training regime should consist of compound movements. Cut the machine and isolation crap.(The only time I ever come near a machine is when I do BODYWEIGHT NOT ASSISTED DIPS in the chinup/dips machine)
3. Full body workouts are the way to go.If you wanna split,go for an upper/lower or push/pull split.No Monday=chest,Tues=biceps etc rubbish.
4. 2-3 exercises consisting of 3-4 work sets each for upper OR lower body are enough.
5. Train in the low rep range (4-8 reps,Ronnie Coleman usually does 15 reps,but who the fu-ck are you compared to him?)
6. No more than 25 sets/1 hour per training session.Any longer,you are overdoing it. Ideal frequency is 3 days per week.
7. Do not train to failure on all sets. The histrionics you show when you train to utter failure might impress some people,but your Central Nervous System won't thank you for that. Stop at 1-2 reps from failure on most of your sets,personally I train to failure only on my last set.
8. The best way is to train your arms is to do rows,chin ups,dips and presses. Yeah go ahead and do your 20 sets of Nautilus machine bicep curls if you wanna have the arm size of a top Kenyan marathon runner.
9. Always make the movement harder not easier. E.g do not sit if you can stand. E.g, do standing shoulder presses instead of seated presses. E.g, do dips instead of bench presses.
10. Aim for a full range of motion.
Have a nice day!!! By the way,my training philosophy is influenced by T-nation writers and old school trainers such as Bill Starr, Mark Rippletoe and Stuart McRobert.
im quite heavy into running. jogging. my gym is zero. almost. i jog ard 5 times a week. roughly 6 to 7 click each. been doing this for 2 to 3 years. i look quite ok shaped. 1.78m 72 kg, got that shape roughly. but can only do 15 push up max and 2 pull ups only at each given time.
so got the shape but not the strength. i think dats due to too heavy a cardio. cardio gaves shape but not strength.
thinking of starting my strength training soon, any suggestions?
Simon Dean
I seriously disagree with the machine part.
i thought low rep range was 4-6?I usally train 8-12 and occasionally 4-6.
Originally posted by Simon Dean:
I seriously disagree with the machine part.
I feel that all beginners should not touch a machine until they are out of the beginner stage...