students seriously should learnto dress properly when in uniform when outside school. they dun understand that when outside school, the school's image rest on their shoulders. many students study hard for good grades...tats gd but wad abt the attire? when they face the public, no one will noe how good a student they are cos the public dunno their grades in school. however, the way they wear their uniform portrays an impression on the general public.
i have seen top students in major exams being published in the papers. their results r great!!! but the way they wear their uniform doesnt portray the right image of a top student. imagine foreigners reading abt them in the papers...wad wil they tink of our top students when they see the sloppy attire? if its ok to dress sloppily, then y have uniform? might as well wear anything u like. juz like poly n university. wearing the uniform makes u a representative of the school. if students wanna dress sloppily in uniform, then dun tell ppl u r PROUD of ur school. so hypocritical!!!
ppl say tat rules r meant to be broken...well if tats true...y shld our country have laws? no pt since they r meant to be b