Let's draw an analogy from the sport of target archery.
To hit the bullseye, (at 12.2 cm across), an archer scores 10 points maximum per arrow.
When 2 archers hit the bullseye and a gold medal is at stake, then the arrow closer to the centre of the bullseye (the pinhole) is judged the winner, indicating that his skill as an elite archer is higher!
NOT perfection!
An official tenpin game has 10 frames.
Felling 10 pins with one shot per frame is termed a strike. Repeated from frame 1 to frame 10, consecutively, in a game will result in 100 pins felled ...then followed by 2 extra shots ...not frames ...felling another 20 pins. Total pins felled, 120! Commonly, termed 12 in-a-row.
How did it become 300? This, of course, is due to the rule on SCORING.
But more importantly, getting back to the archery analogy.
For the bowler who hits the APPROPRIATE/SAME POCKET consistently, 12 times & results in 12 in-a-row ...isn't he closer to the 'pinhole' than anyone else?
If a 'perfect' game is riddled with Brooklyns, Head-pin, & Messengers, in addition to pocket strikes, ...how is this game EQUAL to a 12 in-a-row POCKET hits ...BOTH felling 120 pins & SCORING 300?
...300, in ALL manner of striking, including 12 in-a-row pocket-carry...is not perfection ...but MAXIMUM SCORE possible !