Hi all ppl around....
I have been bowling for some time but usually just for fun with my friends. but recently we decided to get it into the next level and go into some competitive bowling. so we would like to join some league. so i would like to ask you guys who are regular in bowling league for some advise.
1) When is the next opening of league registration? Or would you suggest that we go for single tourament first before joining league.
2) What is the average score a person must have before qualifiying to play in a league game.
3) How many ppl is needed to form a team and join a league
How you all can answer my question...
Hi Bl@ackdog
1) For a start, fun bowling tournament should be better.(my personal opinion)
2) No averagre scores is required
3) 10-12 members per team.
Thanks Spook for your reply.
I didnt know that you need that many ppl to form a team. i thought only 4-6 ppl should be enough to form a team already.hehe...
I think we will be looking out for tournament to join first for a start hehe...
4-6 pax is risky, especially in a 4some league, 3rios maybe psossible, whichever team members should be able to bowl on a weekly basis, what if 2-3 members got other commitment? 6 - 8 pax is recommended.
Tournament is one time event only....