LiteralSystems audio-books are always free of charge to enjoy and share with friends. These are mp3 file recordings of human-voiced readings and performances of classic literary works. There is no charge and no registration required. Simple.
Titles available:
A Description of a City Shower
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
A Tale of Two Cities
Briar Rose
Clever Gretel
Corinna's Going A-Maying
Danny Deever
Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout
Excerpt from Caesar and Cleopatra
Franklin and the Kite
Goblin Market
How I Edited an Agricultural Paper
King Grisly-Beard
Kubla Khan
Kubla Khan Introduction
la donaco de la Magoj
Ode to the West Wind
On the Brighton Road
On the Decay of the Art of Lying
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Shakepeare's Sonnet No. 100
Shakepeare's Sonnet No. 106
Shakepeare's Sonnet No. 116
Shakepeare's Sonnet No. 29
Shakepeare's Sonnet No. 40
Shakepeare's Sonnet No. 55
The Articles of Confederation
The Declaration of Independence
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Empty House
The Gettysburg Address
The Gift of the Magi
The Happy Prince
The Highwayman
The Little Match Girl
The Monkeys Paw
The Mountain Trail and Its Message
The Mouse, The Bird and The Sausage
The Mower's Song
The Queen Mab Dialogue
The Red Room
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Tiger the Brahman and the Jackal
The Travelling Musicians
The United States Constitution
The Upper Berth
To His Coy Mistress
To the Virgins to Make Much of Time