Make sure to use coarse ground coffee: Standard grind for an automatic drip coffee maker is too fine.
A burr grinder will give you better results than a whirly blade grinder: Consistent grind size is important.
If you are forced to use a microwave to heat your water, put a chopstick in the container to prevent super heating. Turn off the microwave when you start to see bubbles collecting/creating around the chopstick.
If the plunger screen gets stuck while pushing down: Be careful not to force it — hot coffee may shoot out the top or the carafe may break.
Keep your press pot and filter screen clean: Coffee oils can build up and go rancid over time, making your brew taste bitter.
Do not use boiling water in your coffee as this makes the coffee bitter. Let the water sit for a few moments after boiling.
Avoid pulling the plunger screen back up once you begin pushing down, as this can cause coffee grounds to escape back into the drinkable top section.
Do not let the brewed coffee sit for too long. Coffee becomes increasingly bitter the longer you let it sit.
Do not store beans in the freezer. It both damages the flavor of the coffee
If your coffee often ends up being more bitter than desired, sprinkle 2-3 pinches of salt on top of the grounds. This will help take away some of the bitterness in the taste.