The dust has settled, the new Apple products announced but if you missed Steve Job's Keynote Address @Macworld SF... you can catch it right
Flip The Switch -
Chemical Brothers Remixed. Hover your mouse over the switch, click and enter.
Toys for Boys, they said. Matchbox print campaign made by
Jung von Matt Hamburg.
The Zero Movement, a blog run by
Coke to promote a "zero lifestyle" and, of course, to also promote Coke Zero.
British prisoner who transferred from a men's jail to a women's facility after changing sex has opted to swap gender -- and prisons --
5-megapixel cameraphone wars: Samsung vs. LG. Samsung already has a 7-megapixel in it's arsenal while Singaporeans can oni lust at 2MP at the most, so far.
Tekkeon myTalker bridges your iPod & other MP3 players to Bluetooth-enabled handphones. Very cool.
Weapons of Star Wars may emerge sooner than you expected. No, not another of George Lucas creation.
Is this some sorta of fetish or desire to smell burning tires, I dunno but this
candles will satisfy that need/craving/festish/whatever.
Look Ma, it's a
Bert.. No, it's Plane.. Nooooo... it's a Rocket!
Amazing Media Browser is a
Firefox extension that automatically searches for all embed objects in a website and shows you a list of the source links.
If you have
Skype installed in ya Windows XP, you will find
V4S rather useful. It acts like a Internet voicemail for Skype.
Openomy is an online file system. You can store files on Openomy and access them from any computer.
Roamdrive is a patent-pending application that simplifies the process of using your web-based email to store files. Now supporting Gmail and Hotmail. Beta version available for PC only.
Stay away from this
clip if you jus had ya meal. Friggin hilarious spoof on Madonna's "Hung Up".
Scott Clark Wooley's
Cakes is a art-form by itself. Makes me wonder if they are edible at all. The site kinda old-skool with loads of pop-up click-thrus.
Microsoft Office 12 Beta 1
Quite breathtaking
clip of Volvo C70's hardtop Origami-like contraction into the trunk.
Flip4Mac, you can play Windows Media files (.wma and .wmv) directly in QuickTime Player and view Windows Media content on the Internet using a Web browser. Very neat.
Monkey Mondays: every monday a monkey in your mailbox. Something to suppress that Monday Blues with Rob Elliott who sends out a new monkey illustration each week.