A club is generally an association of people united by a common interest or goal, as opposed to any natural ties of kinship. Such clubs occur in all ancient states of which we have detailed knowledge. Once people started living together in larger groups, there was need for men with a common interest to be able to associate despite having no ties of kinship.
The term club now has broader implications. The Service club, for example, exists for voluntary or charitable activities; there are clubs devoted to all sorts of hobbies, sports, and games, political and religious clubs, Social Activities Clubs that appeal to a variety of interests, and so forth. See for example BSAC (a big British scuba diving club). The term Club can also refer to a nightclub or discothèque.
18th century English origins
The word “club,” in the sense of an association to promote good-fellowship and social intercourse, only became common in England at the time of Tatler and The Spectator (1709–1712). It is doubtful whether its use originated in its meaning of a knot of people, or from the fact that the members “clubbed” together to pay the expenses of their meetings. The oldest English clubs were merely informal periodic gatherings of friends for the purpose of dining or drinking together. Thomas Occleve (in the time of Henry IV) mentions such a club called La Court de Bone Compaignie, of which he was a member. John Aubrey (writing in 1659) says: “We now use the word clubbe for a sodality in a tavern.” For a long time, most organizations called “clubs” were gentlemen’s clubs (in particular London clubs), but with the modern age the word usage has spread and many workman’s organizations have imitated the club type of organization.
Of early clubs the most famous was the Bread Street or Friday Street Club, originated by Sir Walter Raleigh, and meeting at the Mermaid Tavern. William Shakespeare, Beaumont, Fletcher, John Selden and John Donne were among the members. Another such club was that which met at the Devil Tavern near Temple Bar; and of this Ben Jonson is supposed to have been the founder.
The peripatetic lifestyle of the 18th and 19th century middle classes also drove the development of more residential clubs, which had bedrooms and other facilities. Military and Naval officers, lawyers, judges, members of Parliament and government officials tended to have an irregular presence in the major cities of the Empire, particularly London; spending perhaps a few months there before moving on for a prolonged period and then returning. Especially when this presence did not coincide with the 'season,' the episodic nature of this presence made a permanent establishment in the city (i.e., a house owned or rented, with the the requisite staff), or the opening of a townhouse (generally shuttered outside the season) inconvenient or uneconomic, while hotels were rare and socially declasee. Clubbing with a number of like minded friends to secure a large shared house with a manager was therefore a convenient solution.
Coffee houses
With the introduction of coffee-drinking in the middle of the 17th century, clubs entered on a more permanent phase. The coffee houses of the later Stuart period are the real originals of the modern clubhouse. The clubs of the late 17th and early 18th century type resembled their Tudor forerunners in being oftenest associations solely for conviviality or literary coteries. But many were confessedly political, e.g. The Rota, or Coffee Club (1659), a debating society for the spread of republican ideas, broken up at the Restoration, the Calves Head Club (c.1693) and the Green Ribbon Club (1675). The characteristics of all these clubs were:
1. No permanent financial bond between the members, each man’s liability ending for the time being when he had paid his “score” after the meal.
2. No permanent clubhouse, though each clique tended to make some special coffee house or tavern their headquarters.
These coffee-house clubs soon became hotbeds of political scandal-mongering and intriguing, and in 1675 King Charles II issued a proclamation which ran: “His Majesty hath thought fit and necessary that coffee houses be (for the future) put down and suppressed,” because “in such houses divers false, malitious and scandalous reports are devised and spread abroad to the Defamation of his Majesty’s Government and to the Disturbance of Peace and Quiet of the Realm.” So unpopular was this proclamation that it was almost instantly found necessary to withdraw it, and by Anne’s reign the coffee-house club was a feature of England’s social life.