i personally feel the time should adjust to 12am,6am,12pm,6pm.Originally posted by finoq:Should we change the number of days to about 2 because everyone's busy nowadays as the new year has started...
12pm some people can't make it one ley...Originally posted by mamamamama:Perhaps every 12am & 12pm? makes it easier to remember
then make it once a day? Sure can log in liao?Originally posted by Devil1976:I'm agreeable with reducing the game days to 2 instead of 4 per reality day...
But if that's gonna be the case, then each game day should have a 12 hours cycle... Don't see the reason to change to 'new day timing' then...? 12pm some people still busy with either work or school ley...?
pls go ahead!Originally posted by Jason:how about 2 game days per real day, at 8pm/8am? Since most people play from 7pm-9pm, so like that they can time it so they can play 2 days at a go? or whiever way suits them
lol yeah i always worry about it...I've been a Count for like 1 month already...Originally posted by ditzy:Why not abolish the game altogether?Not only people will not worry about when to play, it'll lighten the server load as well.
Originally posted by iveco:Since there are fewer game days, can the basic number of turns be set at 12 instead of 10?