Household Shelters (HS)The Household Shelter (HS) in a dwelling unit is typically the store cum pantry with its walls, floor and ceiling strengthened with increased thickness. The walls are set back by specified distances from the building exterior and the entrance to the HS is installed with an SCDF-approved light protective steel door. The HS gives protection to the shelterees against weapon effects such as blast and fragments during an emergency.
Under the CD Shelter Act 1997, new dwelling units (both houses and flats) are required to have household / storey shelters incorporated in the developments.
With effect from 1 May 98, applications for planning permissions for new flats or houses submitted to or lodged with URA are required to incorporate household or storey shelters.
If an application for outline permission, or an application for written permission (if no outline permission is made) for a residential development is made before 1 May 98 and the permission was still valid as at 1 May 98, the CD Shelter Act would not apply to that development. In addition, any subsequent submission for this same development will be deemed as re-submission and not new submission for the purpose of the CD Shelter Act as long as any permission granted by URA arising from this said application has not lapsed or become invalid.
Typically, architects design storerooms and pantries with the required protection specified by SCDF so that they can also serve as shelters for occupants of the dwelling units.
The household / storey shelter has the advantage of being easily accessible to residents of the house or flat the apartment occupants when the need arises. Life during an emergency can thus be close to normalcy. In the case of a residential block of flats, it It is also economical because the void deck space otherwise occupied by a public shelter can be freed for other recreational and social uses, and maintenance cost is minimal.
For residents living in dwelling units without shelters, SCDF will advise them how they can improvise some cover in their homes using available household and furniture items. Such an improvised cover would provide a considerable degree of protection against flying debris and glass splinters which generally are the cause of the majority of casualties in bomb explosion incidents. In fact, it will be relatively safer to stay at home under some improvised cover during an attack than being out in the open trying to get to a public shelter.