Country: Singapore
University: Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Degree: Bioengineering*, Biological Sciences+, Biomedical Sciences=, Chinese, Computer Eng, Economics, English, Materials Eng*, Psychology, Sociology, Arts (Education) (NIE), Science (Education) (NIE),
Articulated RP Diploma: DBMS (With RP Specialisation)
Total Credits/Duration of Degree: 3 / 4years
Exemption Granted: * Direct entry to the second year of the course @ Candidates with relevant diploma may be granted selective exemption from the first year subjects
+ Direct entry to the second year is by merit # Direct entry to the second year is by merit and in relevant area of Maritime Studies - Shipping
= And at least a good pass in SPM/GCE 'O'-Level Chinese
Admission Requirement: On competitive basis. Applicants applying to courses in NTU should have a relevant diploma but applicants in the top 5% of their cohort (Diploma with merit / Certificate of Merit) may apply for any courses in NTU, regardless of their diploma.
NTUAdmission Requirements for Singapore students