Title: World Meteorological Day Exhibition 2006
Date: 23 March 2006 Thursday
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library - Level 9 - Promenade
Time: 2pm to 3.30pm
CE Points: 1 NDP
Description: The National Environment Agency holds this exhibition to cover various aspects of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and floods and an overview of NEA (MSD)'s roles and services to assist the public, businesses and public sector agencies in these areas. There will also be one or more interactive exhibits, showcase of a school project from the National Weather Study Project and an exhibit on real-time weather satellite receiving system.
Learning Objectives: To identify various natural disasters, describe various natural disasters and outline NEA roles and services during natural disasters.
Title: World Meteorological Day Seminar 2006
Date: 23 March 2006 Thursday
Time: 3.30pm to 6pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library - Level 5 - Imagination
CE Points: 1 NDP
Description: This seminar will feature talks by experts from tertiary institution, industry and NEA on the detection and protective technologies for natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, recent case studies and lessons learnt for general public and businesses who travel or invest to regions that could be vulnerable to such disasters.
Learning Objectives: To identify detection and protective technologies for natural disasters
Title: The Southeast Asian–West Pacific Centre of Coral Reef Biodiversity 2006
Date: 24 March 2006 Friday
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Venue: Peirce Road Multi-Purpose Hall, Peirce Road Depot and Biodiversity Centre, National Parks Board
CE Points: 1 NDP
Description: The centre of maximum marine biodiversity in the Indo-Malayan region, also known as the East Indies Triangle, has recently been referred to as the Coral Triangle because of its dependence on the presence of species-rich coral reefs. Plans for large-scale nature Areas (MPAs), for which it is important to know the exact boundaries of this diversity centre. A biogeographical study of the mushroom coral family Fungiidae serves as a model, in which species presence-absence data from various areas are plotted in order to indicate the distribution patterns.
Learning Objectives: To define the distribution pattern of a species.
Title: Talk on Ferns at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Date: 25 March 2006 Saturday
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Venue: SBWR Theatrette (Shuttle Bus 2.30pm from Kranji MRT station)
CE Points: 1 NDP
Admission fees: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen
Description: Dr Wee Yeow Chin gives this talk based on his latest book: "Ferns of the Tropics". He is a botanist by training and started his career as an agronomist in Malaysia. In 1977 he took up a teaching position at NUS. He became Associate Professor of Botany and retired in 1997. He is a prolific writer and has more than 200 books and papers to his credit. This included the Singapore Science Centre publication of "A Guide to the Ferns of Singapore" in 1983. Dr Wee will talk about the way ferns are structured and propagated and he would show the various species of ferns found in Sungei Buloh as well as several other common ferns found in Singapore.
Learning Objectives: To explain who ferns are structured and propagated and to identify various species of ferns found in Sungei Buloh.
Title: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Guided Walk
Date: 26 March 2006 Sunday
Time: 9am to 10.30am
Venue: Visitor Centre of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
CE Points: 1 NDP
Admission fees: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior citizen
Description: You will see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve.
Learning Objectives: To identify common plants and animals of mangroves and freshwater wetlands and to describe common plants and animals of mangroves and freshwater wetlands
Registration is on the venue itself. Interested RP students are to email Kenneth at this address: [email protected]