Originally posted by Classyfied:
Your post is the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. How about putting that into proper syntax, form, and grammar so that I can at least understand what you are saying before I dismiss it?
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to drive an ant's Go-cart around the inside of a bottle cap. You must have a very large brain to hold such a vast amount of sheer ignorance. You've got a big hole in your head, now shut it. When you are at a loss for words, your loss is our gain. As Robert Wilensky said: "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
What possessed you to think that you were capable of being entertaining or interesting to read? I'd get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you weren't living proof that stupid people should not breed; if your weren't so fat that you make sumo wrestlers look anorexic, or if you weren't so ugly that even the tide wouldn't take you out. Who am I kidding? You would.
Finally, why don't you go and get lost somewhere where they don't have a "found" department?
and ya. I remembered reading this quote from somewhere else.
So if you dont even have the quality to flame people, dont even try.