This month's drama will unfold as follows:
A not so lucky in love Ram finds thie kiss of cold steel a more inviting end than being alone.
A major problem that in any other situation would have worked itself out finds a new home in the bull.
Venus continues to play tricks on our Gemini this month. Hold on to your pants...you just might lose them.
With Saturn on your back you find it hard to breath this month. Don't look now but i see a Leo in your way like a brick wall..this time instead of going around, knock that fucker down.
Birthday plans this month turn disasterous when an old love shows up with gifts from the past.
Cleaning up the mess you hid under the rug turns out to be a corpse of a problem. Watch out for Venus.
All is not well in the house of scales this month.Being left to your own devices lands you in the stoney lonesome with a little help from Jupiter.
Put your stinger between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye. You lose it all. The money the house...everything. Better luck next month.
This month, all bets are off! Life collides with mayhem as friends become enemies and enemies become lovers. Keep a leash on "it" and you should be fine.
An unbalanced Venus enters in waves this month and all hell quite literaly breaks loose.
Those you have come to trust end up on their back in more ways than one.
When the going gets tough...
The tough get dead. This month, find a place to hide and stay put 'till the lights go on again.
Like all mindless fish you go with the flow. This month, break away and try a new road...it might prove to be your salvation in the end.
taken from http://www.horroraddiction.com