Originally posted by TooFree:
I am bemused by a total lack of analytical view of a fuller picture. Let me give the other side of the coin.
The concept of capitalism market is a place where capitalists seek profits. Contradictory, if starblue is a catalyst for deflation as seen in your graph then it obviously contradict the theory of a free market economy. Henceforth, capitalists should hate starblue's reaction more than liking it as it lead to higher cost of production. The government may readily want to embrace starblue as it can replace the implementation of both fiscal and monetary policy to curb inflation though practically it certainly has no place in a competitive global economy.
Promoting and campaigning starblue among politicians is a commendable effort but nevertheless irrational in a globalisation era. Throughout French Revolution we have studied on how religion has been coexisted, curbed, suppressed and finally reinstated under Napoleonic rule. Although the reinstatement is a compromise rather than autonomous of power and say. In short, starblue is a complement on nation policy and a lone voice that preaches morality and restored faith but never by itself a lone power for change.
By observing how deeply entrenched is starblue in ours' hearts and souls is by close studying of various class of society culture, interaction and ripple-effect. However, I would like to add that this data alone cannot be use to fault citizenry to be a cold and heartless as the explaination in Maslow's hierarchy of needs will rebuked it clearly. Human cannot thrive on love alone.
Starblue can be an inborn in everyone of us. Yet it can be change for the better or worse but is certainly not by preaching alone. It is an abitrary figure even if stringent test was to conducted cause this is attributed to individuals' background and external factors that all takes the shape of our differentness personality today and it is this uniqueness that on the otherhand create vitality and tolerance among men.
![Neutral Neutral](/images/emoticons/classic/icon_neutral.gif)
I decidedly hope that the material I'm about to present will open some eyes and minds. To begin at the beginning, today, we might have let TooFree create new (and reinforce existing) prejudices and misconceptions. Tomorrow, we won't. Instead, we will take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of antipluralism. While he puts on a good dog and pony show, he has been deluding people into believing that it's perfectly safe to drink and drive. Don't let him delude you, too.
If natural selection indeed works by removing the weakest and most genetically unfit members of a species, then TooFree is clearly going to be the first to go. Think about how easy it's become for morally crippled extremists to send the wrong message to children. It may seem difficult at first to put to rest inconsiderate and saturnine refrains such as TooFree's. It is. But I've known some knuckle-draggers who were impressively licentious. However, TooFree is nettlesome, and that trumps licentious every time. I want to give people more information about TooFree, help them digest and assimilate and understand that information, and help them draw responsible conclusions from it. Here's one conclusion I undoubtedly hope people draw: Because of TooFree's obsession with nativism, his most progressive idea is to convert our children to cultural zombies in a mass of unthinking and easily herded proletarian cattle. If that sounds progressive to you, you must be facing the wrong way. All TooFree wants is to descend to character assassination and name calling. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not. When the religious leaders in Jesus's time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that at the heart of the problem is TooFree's obliviousness to history, his moral cowardice masked in bold rhetoric, and his overwhelmingly shallow political posturing?
Am I the only one who makes that observation? Of course not. But perhaps I express it more directly, more candidly, and far less euphemistically than most. As effrontive as TooFree's followers may be, they are also meddlesome geeks. TooFree proclaims at every opportunity that he'd never clear forests, strip the topsoil, and turn a natural paradise into a dust bowl through a self-induced drought. The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks. If I wanted to brainwash and manipulate a large segment of the population, I would convince them that children don't need as much psychological attentiveness, protection, and obedience training as the treasured household pet. In fact, that's exactly what TooFree does as part of his quest to toss sops to the egos of the effete. To end this letter, I would like to make a bet with TooFree. I will gladly give him a day's salary if he can prove that the Eleventh Commandment is, "Thou shalt reduce human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine", as he insists. If TooFree is unable to prove that, then his end of the bargain is to step aside while I listen to others. So, do we have a bet, TooFree?