Originally posted by starblue:
things are really farking up big time for me. first, i have 4 exams hanging over my head and i've only studied half way for one of them. the rest have to leave to saturday to study. second, there are two projects and oral presentations clawing away at me and is the main reason why i cant be studying for my exams until sat. and finally, the champion of it all, my dad.
now that one's a real bustard. his debtors went to church to chase him for the money. and it triggered a family meeting where all 3 of his brothers came to my house to reason with him. the main purpose of it was to convince him to shut down his business before incurring even more debts, or at least to fire that asshole of an employee whom mum feels will suck him dry and kill him and hang him out to dry. to both accounts, the farker refused. and he got the cheek to say that he will go to the loansharks if his brothers dun help him. my uncles shouted at him and made him promise he wun, but mum says he will do it if he said he will. so on top of all the study monsters i have to slay, i will now live in constant fear that one fine day i might be forced into.... the unthinkables. and you know what's farking hilarious? it's the fact that the whole extended family can see the doom that my family's sinking into, and the only way to stop it is to kill the farker.
my first brother has boycotted speaking to the asshole. as have i, a long time ago. i have seen, from the time he plunged into his farking business against all disapproval, that he is beyond reason. no amount of convincing or coersion will slap him out of his pride. my mum even got fed up with me once cos the farker complained to her that i am not paying respect to him. PUI!! respect my ass. i cant even call him "father" without the urge to stick a knife up his anus. for some time now, i have only been able to grunt out monosyllabic replies to his questions, like so:
farker: you going to school?
me: mmmm (but i'm going to the movies)
farker: how is your day, daughter?
me: fine (mentally snarling at the "daughter")
farker: why are you not speaking to me?
me: nothing (there, i've spoken to you)
farker: you know, you should take every opportunity to speak with me (hinting that he will not be around long) (and yes, he's really said that a couple of times. wad? does he expect me to grovel at his feet and ask pardon for not worshipping the ground he walks on?)
me: mmmm (walks off, rolling my eyes big time. this fucker's got an ego the size of the Andromeda galaxy. who would want to speak to him when nothing can get past that fucking thick pride of his? say until like i'm going to regret not talking to him.)
so there, my beautiful undergraduate life. one flowing with milk and honey. one where you can get a bf from school and go to lectures and tutorials and labs and movies and lunches with, and live happily ever after.
you know, i reckon i will not be around much longer. i have been as strong as i could, always picking up the pieces and wiping all the tears and snot and carrying on with life in front of my friends as though nothing big's happening. but now i see it. everytime my mask breaks down, i can only glue it up that far. i fear that one day, the pieces will become too small to piece up again. what will happen then? will it be Goodbye Cruel World? or will it be I Dont Farking Care Anymore?
i think i should get my ears pierced. and maybe my navel too. and i wanna highlight my hair. and the peer pressure to join my friends in their pubbing routine looks very enticing. i should get a guy and try some premarital (protected) sex sometimes too. maybe i'll take them two at a time, just to see how it's like. and ah... of cos... i think i might finally go over and ask for his phone number and chat him up. it's been a year and a half since i started crushing on him, afterall. and maybe i'll go get a new set of wardrobe. you know.... trying out tube tops, miniskirts.
yeah... i might wanna live my life upside down for once. you know, get a new perspective on life.
alright!!! now i'm going to get off my butt and go to the library and do some studying. it's a pity the world doesnt stop spinning when your life stops spinning.
my ex also had financial problems
and part-timed as model.
it's the most lucrative job as under-grad.
but unlike her, i don't think you're street-wise enough yet to handle the shady company.
might even get more than you bargain for.
don't wanna scare you with details.
i think you should get more tuition jobs and temp as relief teacher during sem breaks.
facilitate going NIE and solving your family's financial issues once and for all.
private sector is not as promising as our ruling party would have you believe.
getting into NIE quite competitive, try get honors