The Republic Senate has long been the seat of government for tens of thousands of years.The Senate is shown to consist of over a thousand senators, each of whom represents a sector consisting of hundreds, thousands or perhaps in some cases tens of thousands of member systems1. Sectors have local assemblies of some kind .
In the Galactic Senate, at least a thousand senatorial saucers are available for senators choosing to attend any particular session in person (1024 according to the Visual Dictionary) this must be approximately the number of sectorial senators. It is possible that the number of senators could be greater than the seating, if many senators are uninterested or non-attending.
The head of government and the chairman of the senate is the Supreme Chancellor, who is elected by a vote of the senate, from amongst the senators. We have seen that there can be as many as three candidates at a time. Whether the Supreme Chancellor has a fixed maximum term of office or governs purely at the pleasure of the Senate is unknown, but the fact that Amidala called a vote of "no confidence" rather than a "censure" hints that the latter is more likely.
The Jedi are sworn to be guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy and they swear allegiance to the Supreme Chancellor.
(From this paragraph's all in the name of fun and crapping

As Chancellor Palpatine declared himself to be Emperor, Rebel Senators decided to setup a shadow government on Alderaan to plot and counter the Evil Empire's growth.
We are seeking new diplomats to counter the rise of the Empire and the Sith.Apply now!
-Yours Truly
The President of the Senate