It seems the 2nd Rebel Alliance, formed just hours ago upon the loss of capital Coruscant, is in a dire straits. The Sith Lord, Laurence LXXXII, has not only launched a swift campaign to capture the political centre of the Galactical Republic, but has also launched simultaneous war fronts against various Jedi Corps. We have now reports coming in about the ongoing surprise attacks on Naboo. headquarters of Jedi I Corp and home of the current Chancellor , Tattooine, headquarters of the Jedi IV Corp and Supply Base, and Dagobah, training headquarters of the Jedi Corps and spiritual ground of the Jedis.
These Corps were formed 200 years ago after the death of Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine and the recapture of Coruscant by the 1st Rebel Alliance. Their very aim? To protect the Republic against any internal strife and surprise attacks by the forces of the Dark Side. It seems now, their effectiveness, is very much in question.
More pictures from the battle grounds
March on to Capital of Naboo

Battle on Tattooine