Located near Kota Tinggi, there are several trailheads to reach the summit. This time around we ascended via Kota Tinggi and descended from Lukut village.
The route starting from Kota Tinggi has a more gentle incline though the climb tends to be more boring. I prefer the Lukut trail as it is more interesting to climb, slightly steeper but with more interesting plants, orchids, sandy ground etc.
Both routes have a almost 70-80 degree cliff near the summit that you have to attempt. There is a 2-3m rock face with ropes, and also a bit of rock and roots climbing but nothing too 'siong' just about a 5-10 mins climb that's all. Lots of stepping places and pulling roots to help out.
This time around the Kota Tinggi trail is pretty well marked (though sometimes it isn't). The lukut trail can be a little bit confusing. The police station (Batu Ampat) can recommend guides up/down. There is a very very small (negligible) water source about 100m from the summit(?) - it is not really potable except after a lot of filtration and pills and whatnot - so advisable to carry sufficient water up!
While this mountain is famous for its leeches, they are fewer during the dry season. However, when we went, we were caught in a freak storm near the summit.
Takes about 3-4 hours for a small group to reach the summit. The height is about 513m.
The summit is a nice clearing that tends to be pretty chilly (even during the hot season!) cos it is not sheltered from the wind. It's a beautiful view for a mountain this height, and we even manage to see some 'cloud sea'!!