Location : Shinto Shrine deep inside McRitchie
Time : 0930 hrs , 30 th May
Meeting Point : McRtichie Carpark, To be announced at later date
Max headcount : 12 pax
Expected time-in : 1-2 hours
Expected time-out : 2-3 hours
Terrain type : May be muddy depending on weather that day, non-swampy, not much hazards, terrain is largely flat. There are many paths to the shrine, we are using the easiest path known.
Objective : To know the route to the shinto shrine during this recce, and to lay down the route using reflective cordon tape on tree barks and/or thru' GPS methods, so that a camp can be planned later
Interested : Please email in advance at least 1 week before, [email protected]
The shinto shrine is a WW II relic and is located in the mcritchie forest, can read up more on the net about it [:)]
We have to do a day recce first. I have went there before twice, and I should be able to lead the way.
The day recce is to be held with minimal equipment ( but with sufficient fluids in case get lost, though highly unlikely with a compass ), and the next weekend a 2 days 1 night camp there, leaving around mid-day after staying the night there.
Terrain is not tough for experienced & normal trekkers, since we are using a new route.
I am an ex-JC student, now serving NS, was from a paranormal research organisation but quited because there was no evidence of the paranormal despite us going in very small groups and exploring exotic palces. I do this kind of things pretty often i.e. going into the wilderness without a path. There is a slight path in this case, but easy to get lost because the path is not clear ( covered by vegetation, etc ).
The recce should be easy. In the past we ( paranormal research organisation ) went thru' a "no-path" way passing thru' knee-deep swamp and climbing over fallen trees and got ourselves all soaked and drenched, not to mention 50 scratches on each hand due to thorny vegetation.
But now we have a route which has some sort of a path, even partially cordoned on barks and landmarks by some kind soul ( we didn't know about its existence earlier )
The 2 day camp will involve some make-shift tentage, with pre-packed food and fluids to last us the night. I do not think a camp fire would be required.
I'd really like to risk my life going to such a place with a stranger, pm me
Try the access thru Island Country Club, easy morning walk.