Actually i wanted to post this in the original watch them grow thread , but since it has expired so i started another one :P . This are my carnivorouse plants , 2 venus flytrap and one pitcher plants . Originally the 2 venus flytrap are in then same pot . Is after i put them through forced hibernation then when i bring them out , i seperate one of them to another pot . So now i have 2 venus flytrap and if you look closely , both venus flytrap are starting to flower as you can see the flower stems coming out . I growing bottle gourds aka Hulu now and if they should bloom and produce any Hulu i will take pictures and show you guys .... Then again i read that if i let them flower and produce seeds , they may die also ... Dunno want to let them flower anot . If i dun let them flower i'll have to cut off the flower stem before it blooms as it consume alot of the plants energy causing them to die . But i do 1 2 see the flower ley :P . If my link is not clickable can the moderators help me adjust it ? Long time never post clickable link or photos liao .
Here you can see the flower bud coming out . I do have the bud in upright position but the pictures are not as clear . And it seems a fly is already there either admiring or wating for a " meal " :P .
Ok now i have some venus flytrap seeds from the flowers . Anyone wish to have them can pm me or reply here
May I know how to contact you? Could you give me some HuLu plant seed?
can i haf some HuLu plant seeds oso?
thank you