Hi..... more pics from my dive trips. This time the photos are from
Manado & Lembeh Straits, Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia...... now thats a mouth full

The time of this trip is around mid june this year....... after govt give 'election' funding to voters.... so, for the next few days, enjoy the photos. Pls leaves a comment or two also.
1st groups of photos are from a dive site called
Black Rocks.... about 5-10mins boat ride from my dive resort NDC. No really a good site. To sandy for my taste.....

i think this is a Ang Mor...... because the former owner of NDC is Ang Mor. This 'thing' is in the main drive way outside the old Admin buliding......

Squat Shrimps hiding on the inside of a soft coral.

Some type of bubble soft coral...... not sure what its name

A well camouflage Flounder... the red line outline the fish.

Hell if i know what this is

not really a coral or plant..... but it is an animal... i think

A group of Razorfish..... they swim with their heads towards the seafloor.

Jawfish with its head outside it holes...... move closer and it will disappear into the sand.

2 Ribbon Eel...... a little info, Males are
Blue, Females are
Yellow, while juvenile are

One more Spotfin Lionfish.

Ficking Beautiful Sunset after the dive. Photos taken from the Jetty of NDC.
More photos to come