9 Dec 06
Great amorous satisfaction in view. You'd be wrong to give up that titanic endeavor; adhere instead to the motto that the word 'impossible' doesn't exist. Your social and professional life will be in full change; this will displease you by certain aspects but will ultimately prove beneficial to you. If you really want to lose weight this time, don't continue to trust dubious sources, have a far-reaching discussion with your doctor and your dietitian.
10 Dec 06
Your ideas will often be worth gold, for they will allow you to improve your purchasing power considerably. The stars will give you the desire to make changes in the organization of your professional activity; any initiative taken this time will prove very beneficial. You'll have many decisions to make, and this may render you somewhat nervous. Your relationships with you beloved one will be placed under the sign of harmony.
11 Dec 06
Important encounters in view: some of them may have a decisive influence on the course of your life. Listen to your mate; he or she will not fail to open new horizons to you. Know that it's useless to be moody and that it's quite beneficial to develop a positive way of thinking. Propitious climate for agreeable changes in your professional life; increase your efforts to improve your situation.
12 Dec 06
You'll spend good moments with a longtime friend. If you plan to move, you could finally find the lodging that suits you well. At work, your renewed self-confidence will be a factor of success. Amorous relationships will be favored by the astral influxes. Many natives of this sign will plan to enlarge their families. If you want to be in better health, think of drastically reducing your consumption of meat.
13 Dec 06
With the assistance of your close relatives, you'll manage to conclude everything nicely. The planetary influences will be favorable to you in the family domain, as the atmosphere is likely to be very cheerful. Be on your guard, jealousy will reappear and could cause damage! Accept all invitations in order to change your ideas and to widen your horizons. Shellfish, delicatessen meats or alcohol could give you blotches in your face.
14 Dec 06
Easy social relationships: You'll be more open, more tolerant and not apt to play at the misunderstood. Several successes in your work. It won't be the right moment to tackle a serious discussion in your home, as the atmosphere will be too electric. Good physical tonicity. Instill the sense of responsibility into your children. If you have money problems, you can solve the most urgent ones this day.
15 Dec 06
You'll be overflowing with imagination and creativeness, and you will be in a position to hatch very original projects. In your sentimental life, you'll also benefit from much luck. Verify what others tell you, for they may want to push you into a scheme for which you'll later have to pay. Try to be more expansive and warmer with your children. At work, exceptional opportunities will present themselves to you.
16 Dec 06
You'll have enough courage to assume your family obligations; bravo! Do yourself pleasure, multiply hobbies and all activities capable of interesting you passionately. Be aware that painful sentimental complications may arise if you mix money questions with your love affairs. Your chances to win in games and speculation endeavors seem excellent this time; no cloud will come to darken your sky.
17 Dec 06
One can't but admire your tenacity, your determination and your capacity to bring to a good end what you'll have undertaken. Your form will be good, but it can be better if you practice some sport or do some regular exercise. Count only on yourself, not on others; in this way your success will be assured. Beware of the people whom you're going to meet, as they may push you into strange or dangerous ventures.
18 Dec 06
Increased charming power, which will be operative in your friendly, social and amorous relationships. You'll decide to take over the control of your household, and you'll succeed in this. In all your discussions, try to avoid inappropriate words. Chance and speculations will help you this time, but don't rely uniquely on your own intuition. Seek advice from your entourage and from specialists -- you may make a fortune this way.
19 Dec 06
You'll obtain numerous satisfying results in your work. Slight stomach upset -- do not have recourse to laxatives, eat a good amount of fruits and green vegetables. You'll be subject to a climate of passionate or emotional excitability, of desires, aspirations and needs in an exaltation of the sentiment of living. Choose your friends well and put your trust only in those who really deserve it.
20 Dec 06
You'll need something new in your love affairs that will give a new impetus to your sentimental life. There's plenty of hope for achieving fruitful financial deals or winning in gambles. Your relationships within your family circle will risk being stormy because of your edginess, but it's you who'll be the first to suffer. Practice a sport regularly in order to liberate your compressed energy.
21 Dec 06
You'll find new centers of interest that may reveal themselves to be interesting in a more or less long term. You'll spend very pleasurable moments with your family and will then forget all your worries. Show modesty, don't try to extol your qualities and merits, otherwise you may get into a very embarrassing situation. Your professional life will be positive and active, and your work relationships will be encouraging.
22 Dec 06
On the whole you'll feel rather well -- both physically and mentally. You won't be too inhibited this time and will communicate very easily with others. It would prove beneficial to you to try to make new friends in various circles. Your finances will be more solid and you'll enjoy a flair that allows you to make money rather easily; however, don't let yourself indulge in too many extravagant spendings.
23 Dec 06
Excellent perspectives for your career -- success can easily be yours. You'll be vulnerable to anguish and anxiety; cocoa and magnesium could be useful to you. Answer a friend's letter. Heartwise, you'll tend to refuse to make clear choices, which will result in pussyfooting, and which won't help you to bloom. The spectacle of life could make you sick; but be reassured, it will only be a bad moment to go through.
24 Dec 05
You'll be in a position to accomplish excellent financial transactions. Things will go marvelously well in the sentimental field if you don't mix them with sordid money questions. Learn to feed yourself in a wholesome way; eat a balanced diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables. You'll hardly concern yourself this time with forming important projects for your future, you'll try to profit by the pleasures that will present themselves to you.
25 Dec 06
Your vitality will increase significantly it you eat better-balanced foods. If you give the best of yourself, professional success will be at your arm's reach. You'll be confronted with a difficult sentimental problem, but the help of a friend you'll get you out of it. To get rid of the blues, it'll be essential to take things with detachment. You'll be able to carry out profitable financial transactions.
26 Dec 06
If you live as a couple, it'll be necessary to water down your wine in order to avoid tensions with your partner. You'll win if you learn to take life as it comes; stop asking yourself too many questions. Your children will give you many satisfactions. If you need to get help and support, this will be the time to take the necessary steps and to make contacts. It would be time to plan your expenses in order to balance your budget better.
27 Dec 06
Clear improvement in your professional life. Do not undertake too many things at a time, for a single immediate success is much more profitable than a whole bunch of hopes. You'll feel somewhat tired; know that psychic tension could be the main cause of this state. Your love affairs will be favored; good climate made of delicacy and tenderness. Good day for beginning a diet program and for improving your health.
28 Dec 06
If you show yourself to be more tolerant and receptive, the current tensions within your family will quickly disappear. Some dark clouds in your amorous sky are possible, but they'll make you appreciate all the more the happy moments that are already in the offing. No particular health problems to be had for the time being; you even seem to be invulnerable to any roaming microbes and viruses.