13 Oct 06
You'll by no means be willing to tighten your belt; fortunately, you'll have a completely unexpected money entry. Taking your health to heart, you may be interested in organic products; and you'll be right, because organic products are undoubtedly of better quality than standard ones. Lucky day: your failures and sufferings will be transformed into joys and peace. A favorable climate for plans of an amorous union, for a durable engagement and, concerning singles, for a determining encounter.
14 Oct 06
Your hectic life cannot but lead to nervous fatigue that you must take into account; you'll be compelled to rest and relax. Some of your defaults will be amplified and will much irritate your entourage; but most the time, you'll be surprised at this because you won't be aware of it at all. If the negotiations you're conducting now drag on, make the necessary concessions so as to bring them to success.
15 Oct 06
If you have something on your heart, tell it to your spouse. Don't let yourself be foolishly disheartened because life does not bring you all that you think you have the right to expect from it. You'll be more original than ever -- no question of imitating others! In your work, you'll be granted a greater freedom of action, and you'll thrive with this new freedom. On the health plane, your feet may cause you some problems.
16 Oct 06
You'll know how to introduce some fancy in your love relationships, and this will be instrumental in reviving them. Refrain from indulging in uncertain speculations. Gastric disorders are possible. Be sparing of criticisms, otherwise you'll have serious problems in your relationships with your professional associates or your familial and conjugal circle. Congratulations! You'll have a good money income.
17 Oct 06
You'll have the bad tendency to take your desires for realities, especially in your sentimental life. Don't get exaggeratedly excited and don't see too big. Try to be more lucid, otherwise the sky will fall upon your head! Don't be quite upset if you notice that your cholesterol level is somewhat high; don't try to lower it with a severe diet ! You'll be full of ideas and projects, and you'll be in a hurry to implement them.
18 Oct 06
Heartwise, you'll feel a great need for tenderness; don't look somewhere else for the happiness that's already at your home. Soften your tendency to criticize everyone and everything. You'll tend to make a show of yourself; be careful that this doesn't harm you and drive your most faithful friends away. Efforts will have to be made to overcome your usual reserve and to express your feelings: That's what will be expected of you. Excellent physical and psychological resistance.
19 oct 06
You'll uphold excellent relations with your friends; however, don't give your total confidence to some of them, because there'll be a risk of disloyalty, more by weakness than by meanness. You'll lack energy because of this gloomy astral environment; take some vitamin B1, eat brown rice, calf liver, lamb kidneys and skim milk. Preoccupations of a professional characteristic are likely to darken your horizon, but don't fixate on it. On the other hand, good consolation in your love life.
20 Oct 06
Be careful of a too-great weakness, which is likely to provoke emptiness around you. A certain suspense will reign over your emotional exchanges; you won't know when the big black clouds will quickly go away and leave the sky to the sun, but you can hasten this happy event. You'll have the possibility of overcoming obstacles that have very much delayed your progress in your work; but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. There'll be a slight drop in your physical strength, with a more or less pronounced lack of fitness.
21 Oct 06
The sense of diplomacy will be very useful to you when solving certain problems that will present themselves: relationships with colleagues, with neighbors, with associates. Betrothals in view, but they'll probably be a long time in coming because of certain difficulties that one of the betrothed will have. Very good mood. Cloudless sky careerwise. Healthwise, only some heaviness in your legs; lie down from time to time with your legs raised.
22 Oct 06
You'll strengthen your complicity ties with your spouse or mate. Beware of your naivete, and don't have confidence in the first person who comes along. Some of you will decide now to change residence, and they must think to preserve their independence and intimacy where they'll settle down -- that's essential! Whatever you'll undertake or sign, take the maximum of guaranties. You'll decide to make some concessions so as to improve your relations with your family circle.
23 Oct 06
You'll try to establish harmony, and you'll succeed in creating a warm family atmosphere. Being dynamic and undertaking, you'll overflow with vitality; you'll succeed in handling your work, family life, and social and mundane obligations all at the same time; concurrently, you'll jealously cultivate your secret garden. Enthusiastic prospects: You'll savor enormous joys in more than one domain. You'll make stimulating encounters, but you'll have to indulge in serious introspection so as to find out exactly what you want.
24 Oct 06
Very satisfactory health, but under the condition that you remain in moderate matters. Changing your physical appearance may increase your prestige and give you back your self-confidence, so don't skimp on expenses -- the advantages that you'll gain from this operation will be fantastic! Carefully avoid delicate subjects of conversation such as religion or politics, otherwise watch out for disputes! The moment will be positive to ask for a pay raise or to try to get a promotion.
25 Oct 06
You'll be torn between contradictory aspirations. Know that material well-being is useful but by no means indispensable to happiness. You'll have fits of stomach problems; try to control your diet. Put much faith in your lucky star. You'll ask yourself questions regarding the meaning that you should give to your life. With your close ones, you'll use your increased magnetism, and things will run like clockwork.
26 Oct 06
Good day for health -- your vitality will reach its peak. Good accord at home, which will be a true haven of peace for you; however, a little more tenderness and generosity from your part would be advisable, so don't try to repress or dissimulate your sentiments. You are likely to face important problems if you give in to your present tendency to make fun of everything all the time. It'll be necessary to remain on your guard in your professional environment: The more you gain successes, the more numerous your adversaries will be.
27 Oct 06
Some conjugal complications seem possible. Carefully avoid mixing love with money. Think to get more rest and relax more often. Seek counsel from competent and benevolent people. You'll be subjected to a mild bout of mood swings -- at times you'll want to throw everything through the window, at other times you'll feel more calm and serene; do not make any irrevocable decisions under such circumstances.
28 Oct 06
You'll flit about with conviction, and you will feel the need to live new and, often, simultaneous love affairs. You'll make use of much eloquence so as to reach your aims; it's certain that such admirable speeches will win you many hearts. You'll have this time to cope with obstacles of all sorts, and the laurels will be for later on. Anyhow, try to see the brighter side of things. You'll be nervous, you'll have difficulty relaxing.
29 Oct 06
Financially, some unexpected expenses must be considered, but things will turn out well. A state of rather excessive tension and edginess; refrain from such vices as alcohol, tobacco and sweets. In family, you'll cleverly solve a host of small problems. Your amorous desires will be powerful, and you'll find the means to satisfy them. Your willpower and energy will be your best assets in your work.
30 Oct 06
You'll be particularly favored by the stars as far as your affairs of the heart are concerned; a decisive encounter can change your life. Long-standing couples will get a new breath. This astral climate will be favorable to the improvement of some health problems. You can live very pleasant moments, win successes and bear the annoyances of current life better. Don't hesitate to do yourself pleasure, but with moderation -- you'll notice that your morale soars. Take your children to the movies or a restaurant.
31 Oct 06
If you're single, you'll make agreeable but unpromising encounters. Right now, you'll have enough enthusiasm and energy to achieve a great personal project; however, do not step on anybody's toes. If you want to improve your health, the astral climate of this day will give you enough willpower to go on a good diet and to take up reasonable eating habits. Beware of excessive perfectionism, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary problems.
01 Nov 06
Bet on your intuition, for it will be perfect. In case of conflict with your children, seek counsel from elderly people, but without taking all of their precepts at face value. This day is sure to bring a constructive evolution of your love affairs. Don't make important decisions concerning your career at this time, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary problems. This day will be especially favorable to long and exacting tasks.
02 Nov 06
The stars will incite you to be prudent in commercial transactions, purchases, sales; you'll want to move ahead, and that's very good, but for of now don't rush to reinvest your benefits. If you want to increase your charming power, think about the benefits of water. In work, no task will appear too heavy and no obstacle will seem insurmountable to you. Don't overwork yourself. Don't have a bad conscience if you make a mistake more out of an error than intention.
November 03, 2006
You'll reopen many things to question and will make sensible choices. Avoid overworking yourself. Your close relatives and certain of your friends won't stop interfering in your private life; make them understand that you have the right to live your life as you like. You'll feel terrible urges for spending and, at the same time, a tendency to forget your upcoming bills, so be reasonable. If you suffer from renal problems, it'll be the moment to take energetic measures of treatment.
November 05, 2006
In family, you'll try to command everyone; don't forget that genuine strength doesn't consist of using brute force but in controlling oneself and the situations one encounters. A lucky day will open up to you -- you'll see things with optimism, and that will allow you to have high hopes. Professional success will be yours, but it'll only be transitory if you lack courage and perseverance. Good financial gains.
November 06, 2006
Be careful not to let your familial or sentimental concerns influence your work. There might be risks of kidney or stomach disorders, but your health will be very good on the whole. Real estate negotiations will be all to your advantage. Try to be more sociable and more diplomatic, otherwise you could miss a fantastic opportunity. During the following days, it will be necessary to alternate times of great activity with resting hours.
November 07, 2006
Concerning love, try to free yourself from the past and to enjoy the present fully. Be careful, questionable offers could have some appeal to you! It's useless to kick over the traces: show patience, because in time and place everything will be sorted out. Superb social life in view: it'll be animated, varied and full of pleasant surprises. You'll glow with freshness and vitality; your energy will be at a climax.
November 08, 2006
Important financial transactions will be favored this time. Try to show yourself to be both firm and understanding toward your children, even though they will be inclined toward indiscipline and even often to stubbornness. Do not rail against the course of events, rather try to let yourself be transported by the waves. You will have excellent sentimental relationships that will enchant you.
November 09, 2006
In your couple, discussions over material matters may provoke tensions; it is up to you to be diplomatic. In order to preserve your smooth skin, avoid pork, seafood, wild game, and wine and beer; but eat cereals. You'll succeed in imposing on yourself a discipline instead of working constantly according to your whims. Your relationships with your associates or superiors may be rather conflictual.
November 10, 2006
Your work can give you some concerns, but your spouse and your children will wholeheartedly support you. Learn how to take life as it comes, while refusing to ruminate over your problems or envy others. You'll hardly be inclined to your usual behavior. Love affairs will be interested and could take place in the professional arena. You'll have problems of insomnia or difficulties of relaxing; a cure of vitamins might be good.