18 Sep 06
In love, you'll show yourself somewhat of a killjoy. If you've committed yourself, do what's necessary to keep your promises. A quiet day in your work; only those in tourism and show business will know great activity, and money investments, speculations and acquisitions will be favorable to them. Renounce certain activities that are too futile and that you continue solely by the force of habit.
19 Sep 06
Good health, but beware of food excesses. Be tolerant and understanding in your couple life and your efforts will be well rewarded. If you have to solve an inheritance affair or any other problem concerning your family belongings, you'll be particularly favored; on the whole, being well inspired, you'll manage your budget judiciously. You'll realize the benefits of a good balance in all fields and will actively look for the golden mean. Think of pampering yourself a little instead of always being on the go.
20 Sep 06
You who began to doubt love will this time have a reawakening. Your children will reproach you for being a little too serious. If your business affairs evolve as you wish, don't change anything in their present course. If that's not the case, try to find out the causes and analyze them carefully before making any decisions. You'll have the will to succeed in your career, but show prudence and discernment.
21 Sep 06
Give help to those of your friends who need it. Some health concerns due to nervous fatigue; you're rather overworked so, above all, learn to relax and to rest. The stars will help you to put certain of your dreams into concrete form, to bring to a successful conclusion certain projects that many deemed unrealizable. Don't be too assertive in the expression of your opinions; modesty will pay. In work, your reputation and prestige will be on the upswing.
22 Sep 06
If you've had a dispute with your relatives, the moment will be propitious to a reconciliation. Drive away your black ideas before they can do you harm. Your nervousness will pop up where you least expect it, either in the form of skin problems or in the form of floods of hurting words that you'll have difficulty holding back. In your work, your patience will be put to test; but things will end up straightening themselves out. Beware of certain of your friends who try to draw you into ruinous ventures.
23 Sep 06
Some of your ideas will prove worthwhile, but don't think that they'll be enough to secure success. If you're single, you'll have passionate, exalting love affairs. Eat a balanced, organic diet. Astral influxes very favorable to students and intellectual workers; a particular piece of good luck for those who must undergo examinations or interviews. If you try to force certain events, you'll get nothing good.
24 Sep 06
Rather animated discussions will flare up among members of your family; be careful not to take part in them, otherwise you'll run the risk of a dispute. On the other hand, try to solve a disagreement with diplomacy. There'll be for you love at first sight, an unexpected amorous encounter, a vigorous sentimental renewal or extraordinary passionate fervor. Very lucky day for those who begin a career. No pecuniary concerns.
25 Sep 06
You should be thriftier by limiting your expenses on everyday needs; in this way your success will be assured. Possibility of rheumatism, gout and pains in the hips. Understanding within the couple will be mediocre; this will not be the time to have important discussions with the spouse or mate. If you do not concretely show your feelings for the loved one, he or she might believe you're indifferent.
26 Sep 06
In love, resist your current desire to engage yourself thoughtlessly. In business, luck will be with you: speculate, ask for a loan, etc. You'll be well inspired and your ideas will be worth gold; you'll succeed in giving free rein to your creative imagination without losing sight of the practical and concrete aspect of things. If you surf on Internet, you'll have an excellent chance to find elements that will prove very useful to your work. Predisposed natives of the sign will suffer from swellings and pins and needles in their legs.
27 Sep 06
You'll know the refined love that you've been ceaselessly dreaming of. Your parents may give you trouble; calm and patience should be used. You'll have the benefit of a good climate of understanding and agreement; profit by it so as to harmonize your friendships. You can also without danger try to expose your ideas or make your viewpoint on certain things prevail; don't be either too absolute or authoritative. All doors will be opened to you and you can achieve the projects that you've been nurturing for a long time.
28 Sep 06
You'll be able to fully appreciate good dishes as well as good wines; but be careful this time, don't let yourself go to excesses. You'll adore status symbols; if your means allows it, you won't hesitate to offer yourself the car or apartment of your dreams. Think more toward the future. In society, you'll have the possibility to shine and to find yourself a good place in the sun. Don't live your love in a vacuum; the contact with others will make your couple evolve positively.
29 Sep 06
This astral climate will favor clear improvement of your state of health. Your children will more than ever need your affection and your attention. Beware of certain intriguers who will only think of pushing you into a financial venture that it would be difficult for you to get out of. Your sentimental life will risk having major difficulties because of your increased touchiness and your lack of open-mindedness.
30 Sep 06
This day seems particularly good for making new friends or renewing ties with old ones; this could even at a later date bring you certain advantages on the professional plane. Some family problems, which demand to be solved with calm and method. Beware of your tendency to complicate the most simple facts. For the time being, it's necessary to keep a low profile and to pursue no large-scale projects. Concerning your budget, it would be the time to face reality squarely and to stop deluding yourself.
1 Oct 06
In your amorous relationships, the current can hardly get through because of your lack of tact and modesty. Very successful friendly relations. Do not pursue impossible dreams. Fling yourself into activity in order to fight against pessimism and latent anxiety. A person of your family will try to meddle in your private life; put them immediately in their place. A favorable day for deepening your knowledge in the fields of philosophy, esotericism or religions.
2 Oct 06
Perfect harmony with your children. A sensitive person may put you into a very uncomfortable situation if you don't decide to explain yourself frankly but calmly. Unforeseen and crushing difficulties in your work; but show patience and the situation will soon improve. Your eyes will be sensitive: Protect them from too vivid lights. You'll be able to spoil some very elaborated intrigues thanks to your capacity for seeing things beyond their appearances.
3 Oct 06
Risk of past emotional pains awakening, those you thought had healed; refuse to torment yourself with the past, look at the future with confidence and optimism. Put your papers in correct order. At this moment, your body will need to be protected, so avoid any excessive effort; if you practice a sport, don't try to push too hard. This astral climate is very likely to be frustrating in the field of work; only take a minimum of engagements or appointments.
4 Oct 06
You'll work in an agitated atmosphere, which, on one hand, doesn't displease you. Nevertheless, remain coolheaded -- that's the condition of success -- you can indeed profit by the general agitation to solidify your position and achieve your ambitions. You'll be expansive and sociable all along, which will favor your contacts and family harmony. Think to fight efficiently against tooth decay by increasing the saliva flow; indeed, saliva has, among other things, the power to remineralize tooth enamel.
5 Oct 06
The day will be particularly favorable to high-school students as well as to those who earn their living by writing; all these natives will be greatly inspired, brimming with humor and mental vitality. The forecast is extremely good concerning investments and bonds; you'll be well inspired in your transactions. Whatever your present sentimental situation may be, this time you'll find true and solid love. For your good nervous equilibrium, give yourself a daily ration of solitude.
6 Oct 06
A stroke of financial luck. Be more flexible with your close ones if you want to have peace. If you still suffer from migraines or sleep troubles, don't despair; have recourse to homeopathy, but refrain from strong allopathic drugs. You'll succeed in taking up a very difficult challenge, and this will bring your optimism to a peak. You'll integrate yourself better into the social and professional domains that attract you. You'll make interesting or useful friendship ties.
7 Oct 06
Taxes, bills, drafts -- all this will fall on you at the same time. You'll find the means to increase your gains or to get returns on your resources; however, don't indulge in dubious financial operations. Wait some more time before trying your luck with some degree of chance, for the astral ambiance of the moment will hardly be favorable to you concerning such operations. Profit by this very propitious astral configuration to have positive thoughts and the will to improve things around you, even though the task seem immense to you.
8 Oct 06
In work, you should bring an extremely ambitious project to a successful conclusion. Respiratory or digestive difficulties are probable; you must cover yourself well and eat lightly. Don't be too severe toward your children. Why not buy a lottery ticket? With the luck you're having now, you could win the first prize or at least get back your outlay; but don't spend the money you will not have earned. Love will largely smile to you: perfect understanding with your beloved one, or a very promising encounter.
9 Oct 06
Think to balance your meals better by reducing the quantity of meat and by eating more pasteurized dairy products, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Single natives of both sexes, profit well by the idyllic climate of this day to discover an affectionate and stable mate; refrain from judging them too severely. The Moon will give you real lift and will incite you to action; the projects that were pending will take on importance -- in summary, everything can be done easily and brilliantly.
10 Oct 06
You'll know how to make yourself appreciated in your career; you'll give out your full measure, and you'll quickly harvest the expected results. This lunar climate will make your sense of contacts grow tenfold. Consequently, your possible excesses will be greeted as the expression of tremendous vitality and frankness, and you'll be forgiven quickly. You'd better change the air, but without necessity to go far; what's important will be to relax your nerves. As far as possible, avoid stress under all forms.
11 Oct 06
Good professional evolution: opportunities concerning a new job or advantageous financial transaction. The more you will distinguish the true from the false, the more real satisfactions you'll obtain. You'll live in a sensual climate, which will allow you to bloom fully. This astral climate will be unfavorable to health -- bad nervous resistance, circulatory problems, increase of allergy symptoms.
12 Oct 06
Beware of absentmindedness, which could entail annoying consequences during this day. These astral aspects will influence the health arena. Monitor your diet and be sure to do enough exercise. Heartwise there'll be many joyful events: meetings, love at first sight, favorable evolution of the sentiments or intentions of the loved one! Your relations with your family will be very tense, but there'll be a possibility of quick reconciliation.