23 Aug 06
Be particularly cautious in all that concerns the financial domain, where your judgment won't always be excellent. Avoid committing too important sums of money in business deals where you're not absolutely sure of the outcome. Your capacity for adaptation will be increased; it will considerably help you in your various undertakings. The romantic side to your character will be highlighted by the sweetness of the present lunar climate and will prevent you from tackling questions in a realistic manner. You'll need romantic outbursts so as to feel satisfied.
24 Aug 06
Some material improvement, resulting from a favorable juncture, will come to strengthen this rather euphoric atmosphere. It won't really please you this time to be popular with the opposite sex, and many people will come up against an impassable wall in trying to convince you that love is beautiful, sweet and warm! You doubtlessly won't be quite wrong in wanting to withdraw momentarily into your ivory tower in order to think and take stock of your situation. The joys of family will be given precedence over all other things. Your children will be a source of satisfactions for you.
25 Aug 06
Don't overwork, take it easy. Beware of rivalries with your spouse, otherwise your home might become a domestic circus! It is useless to keep plugging away for a lost cause; one must learn to let go when it's necessary. This will be the ideal moment to buckle down to the tasks that you've continually been postponing. Seriously tackle certain problems concerning the education of your children.
26 Aug 06
Great joys of the heart will be given you by the stars; even if you've until now advocated single life, you'll this time opt for marriage! Your relationships with certain of your friends may degenerate in a cold war; don't be vindictive. Your energy will increase tenfold and your health be blooming; you can embark with success on a health-promoting diet. It will be necessary to act with much circumspection in the professional field.
27 Aug 06
Risks of dissension within your couple; control your words and be of perfect honesty so that the situation does not reach a critical point. Know that a failure can be very constructive; therefore you should not let yourself be disheartened. You'll have an opportunity to form new friendships that will reveal themselves excellent in many respects. Don't be anxious about your future, because you'll be well protected by the stars.
28 Aug 06
If you feel anguished, tackle a meditation cure for one month. Risk of conflict with one of your neighbors; show diplomacy! Good going in your work; you'll have much to do, but you'll know how to organize yourself and plan the tasks of your collaborators even better than usual. You'll have to concentrate your efforts with a view to improving the state of your budget. In love, it will be better this time to show prudence, for treacheries and shams won't be rare.
29 Aug 06
You only have twenty-four hours in a day to discharge all your professional obligations, family responsibilities and all others! If you want to be sure of success, make the necessary studies so that you'll leave no important element of the situation in the dark. If you're already married, you'll discover in your spouse marvelous qualities that will make you to appreciate them more. If your heart is still free, you'll surely experience great joy and unrivaled felicity by meeting the person you've been looking for.
30 Aug 06
Always show rectitude and morality in all your activities, even if devious means seem to you much more profitable for now; by acting this way, you'll be immune from complications, which are always possible. The emotional climate will warm up outstandingly. There won't yet be torrid passion between you and your partner, but things will tend to improve noticeably. Despite your goodwill, dialog with your children will be difficult; you'll have the impression of being permanently confronted with their provocations.
31 Aug 06
You might have problems with your spouse or mate and you'll have a feeling of bitterness. Your feet will be sensitive today, and you may have to endure perspiration, corns or calluses; take a hot footbath before going to bed. Don't have a fixation about your problems -- learn to appreciate every day as it comes. Your rights and abilities will be recognized, and you'll be on your good way to professional success.
1 Sep 06
This astral climate will bring down for you many absurd social conventions, discard a number of your psychic defenses, and incite you to live fully, with particular ardor. If you have children, you'll feel nearer to them than ever; you'll succeed in establishing good complicity ties with them; they'll confide in you as they would in their best friend. The sentimental climate may be less than harmonious; there'll be obstacles to emotional blossoming, to manifestation of sentiments, to all plans of legalizing a union.
2 Sep 06
At work, a good day to assert your authority over a team; profit by the situation to nip in the bud any idea of dispute; beware all the same, because this particular magnetism will be of short duration. A very favorable day for the love affairs of natives of all kinds; love at first sight for single people. In order to maintain your ideal weight, eat more vegetables and reduce your intake of saturated fats. Answer favorably to a friend who appeals to you in his or her distress. Bargain well, you'll do excellent business.
3 Sep 06
You must show discernment, don't give your confidence to everybody. Privilege organic foods. Stimulating relationships with your entourage -- they are placed under the sign of cordial agreement, so don't forget your promises. Lively and pleasant climate in your family, especially if a happy event is in the air. You'll feel light and carefree, all the more so as life will seem beautiful and pleasant to you. Your sentimental relationships will fill you with joy and happiness. It would be a wise time to think about your estate.
4 Sep 06
Your love affairs will be favored if you know how to be understanding. Control your children's health; have them undergo a general medical checkup. You'll succeed in combining work and pleasure skillfully, and so you'll go out more often than usual and manage to meet influential people who may prove useful to you career. In business, beware of your sensitive side, which might cause you to lose; don't let sentiment interfere. Be more careful in your work; this won't be the time to take too many risks.
5 Sep 06
Concern yourself especially with your financial security and with paying your debts. You'll be able to help a neighbor or relative who asks you for help. Your social life will be favored. You're most likely to fall in love, and the feelings will be reciprocated. Ambitious colleagues could try to destabilize you in an effort to take your place. A small decrease of vitality and strength, so don't go on mistreating your organism any more; give preference to fish over meat.
6 Sep 06
At work, you're going to have unexpected strokes of luck. Small tensions on the family front. Excellent chance concerning money matters. Try to have a wholesome and balanced diet; if you have the habit of eating badly or too much, this harms your health as well as your efficiency. In order to prevent a feeling of insecurity that is beginning to overtake you, try to strengthen your emotional ties. You won't miss a single opportunity to shine in society. Single natives of this sign will find a mate after their hearts.
7 Sep 06
No disorder or carelessness, please, otherwise you'll have on hand problems that you'll have created yourself. Go and visit older members of your family; you'll greatly profit from their experience and wisdom. Your love behavior will be predominantly passionate: You'll be subject to momentary emotional surges, and your sentiments will resemble a roller coaster. A good day for purchasing a house or an apartment.
8 Sep 06
Single people will have all chances to change their single status. Much satisfaction in friendship. A door might be slammed, and once it's shut, it will constitute an obstacle that is difficult to overcome between you and your mate; but calm down your self-pride and immediately look for reconciliation. You'll benefit from positive astral aspects in your relationships with others, in your private life as well as in your work. Your job will be constructive, and it's possible that you'll enjoy new advantages.
9 Sep 06
With your increased charm and sense of diplomacy, you can enhance your image as an innovator in the professional field. It's possible you'll be entrusted with a role of mentor -- in this case, accept the offer without reticence. Passion might very well burst into your existence and jostle everything on its way. Read your insurance or other contracts carefully before signing them. Beware, depression lies in wait for you; it would help to stop dramatizing small nothings. By dint of overdoing things, you may get into financial trouble.
10 Sep 06
Resist all your desires for spending, for you'll be only thinking of acquiring certain utterly useless things. You'll be endowed with much energy; make an attack on your most ambitious projects. If you accept your beloved one as he or she is, you'll consolidate the ties that bind you two together. Conflictual relationships with one of your children; show yourself firm but understanding. Have your cholesterol level and blood pressure checked.
11 Sep 06
If you're confronted with personal or family problems, the support of your friends will provide you with great consolation; however, avoid letting yourself be influenced by the counsels of one or the other. Heartwise, you'll have many opportunities to make agreeable encounters. Be very vigilant as far as your finances are concerned. At work, beware of envious and jealous people around you! Thorny relations with your family circle: One should not, above all, provoke you!
12 Sep 06
Your sentimental relations will be good; try to soften your uncompromising character and be often ready to recognize your errors. It would not be wise to overburden your liver, so eat lighter foods. Your family life could well reserve you some disagreeable surprises. In the financial field, you may enhance your credibility owing to your increased sense of responsibility and your analytic mind.
13 Sep 06
At work, opportunities will be more rare and you'll have to redouble efforts in order to obtain good results. Your liver and your respiratory system may be threatened, so take in good, fresh air and refrain from all excesses. Some small annoyances are to be foreseen, especially in everyday life; nothing will go as fast as you wish, and so your entourage may have to endure your bad humor! Don't let your imagination dwell on discouraging subjects.
14 Sep 06
Your love affairs would be ideal if you keep your critical mind under control. Be doubly cautious against health troubles; also, have your cholesterol level checked and adopt a well-balanced diet that is rich in proteins and minerals but poor in fats. Your job will bring you some joys in addition to comfortable gains. You'll take the lead of your entourage, and your authority will be asserted. Learn to always look at the bright side of life.
15 Sep 06
Everything will be advantageous for to you to gain control of your health and put a definite end to frequent sinking feelings. Remain firm, and don't let yourself be told how you should behave. Beware of your passions, for your emotional questions are often tightly mingled with money, which is very bad; for your greatest good, erect an impenetrable barrier between love and business. Appreciable chances in the management of money and speculations in general. Leisure, travels and the settlement of disputes will also be favored.
16 Sep 06
Your work will be given top priority this time: It's in this field that you can work wonders, but this will demand all your energy. Risks of nervous troubles with direct consequences on the function of the digestive system. Diligently cultivate the sense of humor. Be cautious in your relations with the tax service. Home life might cause you big problems. By accepting changes, you'll increase your chances of success.
17 Sep 06
If you have children, they could momentarily feel a little left out and may react poorly. You'll appreciate the kindness of certain of your neighbors; if you want your them to respect your tranquility, then you must respect theirs. You'll have knee-jerk reactions with your near ones, and your lack of objectivity may render you unjust; be very vigilant on this point. You'll see to it to increase discussions with your beloved one.