21 Dec 06
Blue chip investments will be favored by the stars. Risks of temporary conflict in your friendship relations. Real-estate transactions will be favored, be it purchasing or selling. Protect yourself well if you plan to have sexual relations with a new partner. This will be a day of progress and personal achievement. The sentimental field will give you many satisfactions and will make you feel secure.
22 Dec 06
Great amorous joys in perspective; this day will be particularly beautiful and promising. You'll succeed in finding the best balance possible between your professional activity and your family life. You'll be very much inclined to throw your money out of the window; be careful not to let yourself be drawn into futile purchases and status-based expenses. In your work, something can come to an end; despite the appearances, this change will be very favorable to you.
23 Dec 06
A very good day to carry out daring financial transactions. Your morale won't be at the top level, however one or two pieces of chocolate per day could help to boost it up. In your work, trust your own intuition and do not accept all of the advice of your entourage; you may make great blunders by being too combative. Don't expect to be obeyed by your children if you don't provide for them a good example.
24 Dec 06
You'll be lucky financially; don't hesitate to carry out investments, as you'll make the most of them. It will be difficult for you to keep the secret that a close friend has just confided to you; but woe betide you if you betray them! Accept to calmly discuss a delicate matter with your spouse, for a good solution will then be found. A very favorable climate for professional writers and for all those who have something to write down.
25 Dec 06
At work, beware of distraction; concentrate your efforts on what you're doing, otherwise you're likely to make a serious mistake. You will benefit from the support of the stars as your love affairs will give you all the satisfactions you could wish. Being an indulgent parent, you won't be able to refuse anything to your children. In order to be in better shape, take more time to relax and rest.
26 Dec 06
Don't accept defeatism by locking yourself up in routine; renew your efforts at your work and victory will be yours. You'll succeed in solidifying your financial position if you don't act according to your ambitions but according to your means. Risks of migraines. You'll be tempted by unusual personal relations; don't expect any indulgence from your spouse. If you're single, you'll indulge in many thrilling adventures.
27 Dec 06
You'll have enough courage and tenacity to overcome many of the troubles you'll meet. If you feel discouraged or even pessimistic, do some sport for one or two hours. You'll be tempted to spend your money unreasonably in order to compensate for certain of your anguishes. Beware that platonic love may have certain charm when it's transitory, but it may imply a certain incapacity when it's prolonged.
28 Dec 06
Your social life will be on the upswing; you'll be appreciated and even idolized. Despite your legendary kindness, you may this time react with such harshness that it'll surprise your close circle if someone comes to bother you. You might suffer from migraines and headaches; take breaths of fresh air, take a long stroll in the countryside. Your amorous avidity will be strengthened, and you'll be in a position to satisfy it.